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Implementation Notes

John Albin Wilkins edited this page May 5, 2021 · 35 revisions

Differences / Implementation Notes

  • named arguments (e.g. |filter(param = value)) are not supported. See #410
  • currently twig.js does not have the same auto-escaping that Twig does.

Feature Support

Built-in Tags

Docs: Twig 3.x tags
Example syntax: {% tagName %}

  • apply: ???
  • autoescape: ???
  • block: Supported
  • cache: ???
  • deprecated: ???
  • do: ???
  • embed: Supported
  • extends: Supported
  • flush: N/A
  • for: Supported
  • from: Supported
  • if: Supported
  • import: Supported
  • include: Supported
  • macro: Supported
  • sandbox: ???
  • set: Supported
  • use: Supported
  • verbatim: Supported
  • with: Supported

Built-in Filters

Docs: Twig 3.x filters
Example syntax: {{ variable|filterName }}

  • abs: Supported
  • batch: Supported
  • capitalize: Supported
  • column: ???
  • convert_encoding: N/A
  • country_name: ???
  • currency_name: ???
  • currency_symbol: ???
  • data_uri: ???
  • date: Supported
  • date_modify: Supported
  • default: Supported
  • escape: Supported
  • filter: Supported
  • first: Supported
  • format: Supported
  • format_currency: ???
  • format_date: ???
  • format_datetime: ???
  • format_number: ???
  • format_time: ???
  • html_to_markdown: ???
  • inky_to_html: ???
  • inline_css: ???
  • join: Supported
  • json_encode: Supported
  • keys: Supported
  • language_name: ???
  • last: Supported
  • length: Supported
  • locale_name: ???
  • lower: Supported
  • map: ???
  • markdown_to_html: ???
  • merge: Supported
  • nl2br: Supported
  • number_format: Supported
  • raw: ???
  • replace: Supported
  • reverse: Supported
  • round: Supported
  • slice: Supported
  • sort: Supported
  • spaceless: Supported
  • split: Supported
  • striptags: Supported
  • timezone_name: ???
  • title: Supported
  • trim: Supported
  • u: ???
  • upper: Supported
  • url_encode: Supported

Built-in Functions

Docs: Twig 3.x functions
Example syntax: {{ functionName(arguments) }}

  • attribute: ???
  • block: ???
  • constant: ???
  • cycle: ???
  • date: ???
  • dump: ???
  • html_classes: ???
  • include: Throws error: "include function does not exist and is not defined in the context"
  • max: ???
  • min: ???
  • parent: ???
  • random: ???
  • range: ???
  • source: ???
  • country_timezones: ???
  • template_from_string: ???

Built-in Tests

Docs: Twig 3.x tests
Example syntax: {{ expression is testName }}

  • constant:
  • defined: Supported
  • divisibleby: Supported
  • empty: Supported
  • even: Supported
  • iterable: Supported
  • null / none: Supported
  • odd: Supported
  • sameas: Supported

Built-in Operators

Docs: Twig 3.x operators
Example syntax: {{ expression operator expression }}

  • in: Supported
  • is: Supported
  • Math (+, -, /, %, *, **): Supported
  • Logic (and, or, not, ()): Supported
  • Bitwise (b-and, b-or, b-xor): Supported
  • Comparisons (==, !=, <, >, >=, <=, ===): Supported
  • Others (.., |, ~, ., [], ?:): Supported
  • Null-coalescing (??): Supported