- The container itself includes go, Android SDK, gomobile pre-initialized
- The source code to build is mounted into the container via a docker volume (see $SRC_HOME in the example)
- The build also defines the output of the build somwhere inside this mounted volume so that you can access the result from outside the container easily (see '-o myLib.aar' in the example).
This image is forked from https://github.com/moohoorama/android-go-mobile which by itself was forked from https://github.com/OpenPriv/android-go-mobile. Thanks for your work which helped a lot :)
This image was built for use with generic gomobile builds for Android.
This image includes:
- based on Ubuntu 23.04
- Android SDK, NDK, tools, and API version 32 at
- Go lang 1.21.1 at
- $GOPATH set to
- A go directory with an initialized gomobile installed at
This image comes with gomobile checkedout and pre-initialized (time and space consuming). In order to install this pre-done work from the image into your Drone CI workspace (a docker volume mounted to /workspace
), you will want your first pipeline step to be:
image: openpriv/android-go-mobile
- cp -as /go /workspace/go
cp -as
recreates the directory structure from /go in /workspace/go but for each file, it just creates a symlink. This is the quickest and most efficient way to mirror the work supplied with the image into your workspace.
Example how to build a .aar Android library usable in a standard Android app (e.g. with Android Studio).
# do not use the :latest tag for production use to avoid broken build when the container is updated
# (optional) pull latest build container (available on docker hub; or alternatively build it yourself locally)
# execute the build (SRC_HOME is the absolute path of th source code folder containing your go code; it get's mounted as a volume)
# the workdir specifies the folder inside the source directory that contains the final android library glue code
docker run --rm -v $SRC_HOME:/workspace/src --workdir /workspace/src $BUILD_IMAGE gomobile bind -target android -v -x -o myLib.aar
For further details about gomobile please checkout the gomobile website/documentation.