Nodecommerce is an express based ecommerce API which already includes:
- includes database migrations using the knex ORM
- integrated with the stripe payments API
- mocha and chai unit tests along with istanbul code coverage
- production grade logging with buynan
- secure user authentication system using json web tokens
###Setting Up Packages
This is easily done with a simple npm install
This is also quite easy. A simple npm start
will do. It can also be run through nodemon with nodemon -x npm start
###Environmental Variables:
- NODE_ENV: If this is not specified, the default is development
#Using the knex migrations library
It must be installed globally: (sudo) npm install -g knex
The knexfile specifies the different settings for different environments
The default is development
knex -h
for help
#Running migrations
knex migrate:latest
to apply all unapplied migrations
#Changing the database
To change something, create a new migration and make the edit in there. Don't edit any of the previously created migrations
Unless you are 100% sure no one has applied it to their database
knex migrate:make
to create a new migration
#Editing migrations
Migrations must return a promise. If you don't, the migration will be "run", which means it'll be marked as having been run, but it won't change the database
The "down" section should be in reverse order from the "up" section