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TMK Core
See #173 as well.
Push split branch from tmk_keyboard to tmk_core local working repo
$ git subtree push -P tmk_core ~/TMK_CORE_UPDATE/tmk_core/ core_210209
git push using: /home/noname/TMK_CORE_UPDATE/tmk_core core_210209
Enumerating objects: 1698, done.
Counting objects: 100% (1290/1290), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (744/744), done.
Writing objects: 100% (1085/1085), 226.97 KiB | 9.46 MiB/s, done.
Total 1085 (delta 770), reused 340 (delta 329)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (770/770), completed with 100 local objects.
To /home/noname/TMK_CORE_UPDATE/tmk_core/
* [new branch] 1b3fe95435592189f7f1d431fda17f5a9a556f0b -> core_210209
Merge the split branch into master
$ cd ~/TMK_CORE_UPDATE/tmk_core
$ git checkout master
$ git merge core_210209
Push local master to remote repo of tmk_core
$ git push origin
git subtree pull -P tmk_core --squash ~/TMK_CORE_UPDATE/tmk_core/ master
In order to set up the submodule in your project, first add a new submodule:
git submodule add https://github.com/tmk/tmk_core tmk_core
Then pull, sync and update the submodule:
git pull
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
When you want to update the subtree in your repository to match the master on tmk_core, follow the same steps as above.
If you want to clone a repository from GitHub that has submodule(s) in it, pass --recursive when cloning, like so:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/<username>/<repository>
In order to set up the subtree in your project, first add the core repository as a remote:
git remote add -f core https://github.com/tmk/tmk_core
Then add the core as a subtree (directory) in your local repository:
git subtree add -P tmk_core core master --squash
When you want to update the subtree in your repository to match the master on tmk_core, do this:
git subtree pull -P tmk_core core master --squash
Download a zipped version of the [tmk_core][1] repository using this link:
Extract the zip in your project's directory, then rename the folder to tmk_core.
You will have to designate correct path of tmk_core in your Makefile.
is used for this purpose in Makefile of tmk_keyboard, for example.
TMK_DIR = ./tmk_core