Query parameter setter and getter system. Parses query parameter into an object. Works with @littleq/location-lite
This is a copied version of without using Polymer https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-location/blob/__auto_generated_3.0_preview/iron-query-params.js
There are two properties
- query
- queryObject
When you set the query, let's say a=b&c=d
you get a queryObject with the following data:
a: 'b',
c: 'd'
If you set the queryObject, let's say with the following data:
e: 'f',
h: 'j'
You get query
with the value e=f&h=j
This is the recommended way. To install, just do this:
npm i --save @littleq/query-lite
You can either load it via html script
<script type="module" src="node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/query-lite.js">
or load it in your JS file
import 'node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/query-lite.js'
and then just use the tag on your html document
Same as above.
You need to add this additional script for polyfill
npm i --save @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs
<script src="node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js">
And then wrap around the files after the WebComponentsReady
event has been fired
window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function() {
var component = document.createElement('script');
component.src = 'node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/query-lite.js';
component.type = 'module';
if you are using Webpack and you have bundled it in ES5 for older browsers, you also need:
<script src="node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js">
If you want to use the ES5 version, add this
<script src="node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js">
Before adding this.
window.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function() {
var component = document.createElement('script');
component.src = 'node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/dist/query-lite.umd.es5.js';
You can capture changes on queryObject
and query
when you listen on query-object-change
and query-change
const el = document.querySelector('query-lite');
el.addEventListener('query-object-change', ({ detail: queryObject }) => {
el.addEventListener('query-change', ({ detail: query }) => {
If you are going to use it on Evergreen Browsers that allows <script type="module">
then you can just do this on your js
import './node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/query-lite.js';
<script type="module" src="node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/query-lite.js">
If you are going to use it on Webpack or Rollup, you can do any of these
// provided that node_modules is resolved in your configurations
import '.@littleq/query-lite';
import './node_modules/@littleq/query-lite';
import './node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/dist/query-lite.esm.js';
If you are going to use require
and not import
you can do any of these
// provided that node_modules is resolved in your configurations
// provided that node_modules is resolved in your configurations
If you are going to load it via the <script>
tag, you need to do these
For ES6
<script src="/node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/dist/query-lite.umd.js">
<!-- <script src="/node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/dist/query-lite.umd.min.js">
if you need the minified file -->
For ES5
<script src="/node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/dist/query-lite.umd.es5.js">
<!-- <script src="/node_modules/@littleq/query-lite/dist/query-lite.umd.es5.min.js">
if you need the minified file -->
It works on all major evergreen Browsers (Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox) as long as you have the Polyfills
set (make sure to add webcomponents-lite
or webcomponents-loader
and load query-lite
after the
event has been fired)
It also works on IE 11, Safari 11, Safari 10.1, Safari 9, and Safari 8.
Still checking on IE 10, 9, 8 and Safari 7, 6. (Need polyfills for Map
and WeakMap
when using the webcomponents-lite polyfill and custom-element-es5-adapter).
Based on size-limit
npm run size
> @littleq/[email protected] size /home/tjmonsi/Projects/@littleq/query-lite
> size-limit
Package size: 521 B
Size limit: 600 B
With all dependencies, minified and gzipped