JNI Go Interface.
A package to access Java from Go code. Can be used from a Go executable or shared library. This allows for Go to initiate the JVM or Java to start a Go runtime respectively.
The go module name is renamed to github.com/timob/jnigi
in the branch. Checkout v2
if you want to retain the old name.
# In your apps Go module directory
go get github.com/timob/jnigi
# Add flags needed to include JNI header files, change this as appropriate for your JDK and OS
export CGO_CFLAGS="-I/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/include -I/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/include/linux"
# build your app
go build
The compilevars.sh
on Windows) script can help setting the CGO_CFLAGS
environment variable.
The JVM library is dynamically linked at run time. Use the LoadJVMLib(jvmLibPath string) error
function to load the shared library at run time.
There is a function AttemptToFindJVMLibPath() string
to help to find the library path.
Most of the code has tests. To run the tests using docker:
# get source
git clone https://github.com/timob/jnigi.git
cd jnigi
# build image
docker build -t jnigi_test .
# run tests
docker run jnigi_test
Has been used on Linux/Windows/MacOS (amd64) Android (arm64) multi threaded apps.
Because of the way the JVM triggers OS exceptions during CreateJavaVM
, which the Go runtime treats as unhandled exceptions, the code for the Go runtime needs to be changed to allow the JVM to handle the exceptions. See #31 (comment) for how to do this.
package main
import (
func main() {
if err := jnigi.LoadJVMLib(jnigi.AttemptToFindJVMLibPath()); err != nil {
jvm, env, err := jnigi.CreateJVM(jnigi.NewJVMInitArgs(false, true, jnigi.DEFAULT_VERSION, []string{"-Xcheck:jni"}))
if err != nil {
hello, err := env.NewObject("java/lang/String", []byte("Hello "))
if err != nil {
world, err := env.NewObject("java/lang/String", []byte("World!"))
if err != nil {
greeting := jnigi.NewObjectRef("java/lang/String")
err = hello.CallMethod(env, "concat", greeting, world)
if err != nil {
var goGreeting []byte
err = greeting.CallMethod(env, "getBytes", &goGreeting)
if err != nil {
// Prints "Hello World!"
fmt.Printf("%s\n", goGreeting)
if err := jvm.Destroy(); err != nil {