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Library for stream in RTMP and RTSP. All code in Java.
If you need a player see this project:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<!--Optional for play store-->
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" android:required="false" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera.autofocus" android:required="false" />
To use this library in your project with gradle add this to your build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.pedroSG94.rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java:rtplibrary:2.1.7'
- Android min API 16.
- Support camera1 and camera2 API
- Encoder type buffer to buffer.
- Encoder type surface to buffer.
- RTMP/RTSP auth.
- Audio noise suppressor.
- Audio echo cancellation.
- Disable/Enable video and audio while streaming.
- Switch camera while streaming.
- Change video bitrate while streaming (API 19+).
- Get upload bandwidth used.
- Record MP4 file while streaming (API 18+).
- H264, H265 and AAC hardware encoding.
- Force H264 and AAC Codec hardware/software encoding (Not recommended).
- Stream from video and audio files like mp4, webm, mp3, etc (Limited by device decoders). More info
- Stream device display (API 21+).
- Set Image, Gif or Text to stream on real time.
- OpenGL real time filters. More info
- RTSP H265 support (Waiting FLV official packetization to add RTMP support).
- RTMPT and RTMPTS (HTTP and HTTPS tunneled). Actually working but a request take so much time producing drop frames.
Projects related with the library developed by other users. Contact with user owner if you have any problem or question.
In library version 2.0.9, the filters was refactored. Check the wiki link to migrate your implementation.
This code is a basic example. I recommend you go to Activities in app module and see all examples.
//create builder
RtmpCamera1 rtmpCamera1 = new RtmpCamera1(openGlView, connectCheckerRtmp);
//start stream
if (rtmpCamera1.prepareAudio() && rtmpCamera1.prepareVideo()) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
//with params
//create builder
RtmpCamera1 rtmpCamera1 = new RtmpCamera1(openGlView, connectCheckerRtmp);
//start stream
if (rtmpCamera1.prepareAudio(int bitrate, int sampleRate, boolean isStereo, boolean echoCanceler,
boolean noiseSuppressor) && rtmpCamera1.prepareVideo(int width, int height, int fps, int bitrate, int rotation)) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
//create builder
//by default TCP protocol.
RtspCamera1 rtspCamera1 = new RtspCamera1(openGlView, connectCheckerRtsp);
//start stream
if (rtspCamera1.prepareAudio() && rtspCamera1.prepareVideo()) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream
//with params
//create builder
RtspCamera1 rtspCamera1 = new RtspCamera1(openGlView, connectCheckerRtsp);
//start stream
if (rtspCamera1.prepareAudio(int bitrate, int sampleRate, boolean isStereo, boolean echoCanceler,
boolean noiseSuppressor) && rtspCamera1.prepareVideo(int width, int height, int fps, int bitrate, int rotation)) {
} else {
/**This device cant init encoders, this could be for 2 reasons: The encoder selected doesnt support any configuration setted or your device hasnt a H264 or AAC encoder (in this case you can see log error valid encoder not found)*/
//stop stream