For the complete version, please see the multicast
The goal of our project is to create a proof of concept in-network data store, that circulates data in packets between switches organized in loops on the network. It can be thought of as a key-value store, where there are a finite number of unique keys, representing some information stored in a packet. In our model, we can add a packet to the network, then query or remove it by its key.
- P4
- Python
To read more about how to obtain the required software please visit
In order to try out our application, simply build the code with a make
command and then type xtrem h1 h4
Start listening on host h4 by typing python
You can send packets on host h1 and whenever you want to query a packet, it will appear on host h4.
You can:
- send in a new packet:
python --packet_id <packet_id> <message>
- query an existing packet:
python --packet_id <packet_id> --query <message>
- delete an existing packet:
python --packet_id <packet_id> --delete <message>