Webmacs is a package which lets other people watch you editing stuff in Emacs on every modern web browser.
The server is written in Clojure. Currently no pre-built jar is available, so you need leiningen.
$ git clone https://github.com/the-kenny/webmacs.git
$ cd webmacs
$ lein run
This will run a local webserver on port 3000. The entry point for Emacs is port 9881.
You can change these defaults via environment variables EMACS_PORT
- Put webmacs.el somewhere in your load path
- Load webmacs.el
(require 'webmacs)
- Connect to Server
M-x webmacs-open-connection RET RET RET
(Optional: Specify other values for host and port)
- Enable
in every buffer which you want to publish
M-x webmacs-mode
Published buffers are referenced via their name:
Webmacs is in pretty rough shape. A major feature missing is font-lock (syntax highlighting), and many other convenient things like listing available buffers isn’t implemented yet.
See TODO.org for things that needs to be done.
Copyright © 2012 Moritz Ulrich
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.