A powerful, self-hosted data logger for your Tesla.
- Written in Elixir
- Data is stored in a Postgres database
- Visualization and data analysis with Grafana
- Vehicle data is published to a local MQTT Broker
The documentation is available at https://docs.teslamate.org
- Drive and charging reports
- Driving efficiency report
- Consumption (net / gross)
- Charge energy added vs energy used
- Vampire drain
- Projected 100% range (battery degradation)
- Charging Stats
- Drive Stats
- History of installed updates
- See when your car was online or asleep
- Lifetime driving map
- Visited addresses
- Battery Health
- Database Information
- High precision drive data recording
- No additional vampire drain: the car will fall asleep as soon as possible
- Automatic address lookup
- Easy integration into Home Assistant (via MQTT)
- Easy integration into Node-Red & Telegram (via MQTT)
- Geo-fencing feature to create custom locations
- Supports multiple vehicles per Tesla Account
- Charge cost tracking
- Import from TeslaFi and tesla-apiscraper