Python Script to run in FL Studio versions 20.8 and above.
Supports Launchkey 25,37,49,61.
Note 49,61 keys provide extra functionality for 9 faders and 9 fader buttons. No support for Launchkey Mini mk3 yet, willing to work with someone who has a LK mini mk3 to add script.
Availible in 25,37,49,61 :
- Transport: Play/Pause, Stop, Record, switch from Song Mode/Pattern Mode, Undo, Metronome(Click).
- Device Select can be used to add new plugin to channel rack/mixer
- Device Lock button next to knobs can be used to switch from Channel Rack -> Playlist -> Mixer
- Jog buttons for previous/next for use in browser/Mixer/Channel Rack/switching presets in FL Stock plug-ins like Flex etc.
- Stop Solo Mute button for Soloing Channel
- Pitch Wheel for selected channel with semitone range +-12
- First knob, Second Knob (in pot mode 1) Controls selected channel volume, pan
Avalible for 49,61 key versions: Faders: The faders have a max ceiling at 100% volume (0dB) to avoid clipping/ruining speakers :)
- Master fader controls Master Volume
- First 2 faders linked to first two Mixer Channels
Upcoming Support:
- Plugin Support for FLEX, 3xOsc, FL keys..
- Switching to Mixer using Device Lock Mode enables first 8 faders to control 8 mixer channel volumes
- Control, Alt, Shift support in Launchpad probably with Up, Down
- Quantize quick Quantizes selected channel
- just download this .py script and put it in a folder (name not important, could be LaunchkeyMK3 or PurpleHaze), this folder should be in your User Data Folder of FL Studio which could either be in Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Settings\Hardware\ or C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 20\System\Hardware specific, try both :)
- for any doubts check the Developer's Guide or feel free to message me on Discord, my username is : 10shelcaramel#4945
Helpful Tips: Coming Soon!
Developer's Guide:
Special Thanks to:
- for the pykeys module which will use Control, Shift, Alt so you can work independently of the keyboard in the future!
- for inspiring me in how much you can extend support for a midi controller! Check out his Universal Controller Script!
- Remo Viky for creating the first Launchkey MK3 script that i found, which taught me the basics of scripting