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TEKSI wastewater Module

Welcome to the TEKSI wastewater Module GitHub Home page 👋

TEKSI wastewater module (project name: TWW) is a selection of tools and a database implementation that allows you to:

  • manage and map your sewer network data with all its components in compliance with Swiss standards
  • indicate the characteristics of networks objects in the form of attributes such as diameter, material, depth, damages, construction year, etc.
  • produce plans and extract statistics from the database such as network values, total length of pipes, identification of future interventions, etc.
  • Use TEKSI to do you all of your "Genereller Entwässerungsplanung (GEP)" - either in your community or also in the wastewater association.
  • Import & export geodata in compliance with Swiss standards VSA-DSS Release 2020.1

TEKSI wastewater module is a complete open source module based on a PostgreSQL - PostGIS data model compatible with the swiss norm SIA405 AND VSA-DSS. The data are accessed and edited with a dedicated QGIS project. The project is maintained by the TEKSI community

TEKSI is a non profit Swiss association set up to support open source professional GIS projects aiming to ease the management of public infrastructures.

How to start

Issues, features, ideas

Source code for contributions / GitHub Repository organisation

TEKSI ressources on GitHub and other projects


You can discover more about TEKSI

TEKSI Wastewater Release 2024.0 is now available!

Migration path from QGEP to TEKSI Wastewater is also established.

Information for Developers

Local development

  1. Open OSGeo4W Shell and run pip install debugpy.

  2. Clone this repository to your local machine.

  3. Open QGIS, go to the Environment section in Settings > Options - System and add the following custom variables:

    Apply Variable Value
    APPEND QGIS_PLUGINPATH {repositoryPath}/plugin
  4. Install QGIS plugin Plugin Reloader. This will allow you to reload the plugin without restarting QGIS.

  5. Follow the prerequisites and Usage (GUI) from

Local development with VS Code

  1. Ensure prerequisites are met according to the admin guide.
  2. Install Visual Studio Code and the Python extension.
  3. Install QGIS LTR
  4. Install Docker
  5. Install debugpy by running task Install dependencies or run pip install debugpy in the OSGeo4W Shell on Windows or your python env for qgis.
  6. Launch QGIS with task Launch QGIS.
  7. Wait for QGIS to start and open the plugin in QGIS.
  8. Ensure Developer mode is enabled in the plugin settings. This will start the debug server.
  9. Attach the debugger with Debug: Start Debugging (F5) with configuration Python: Remote Attach