The ezRA Easy Radio Astronomy set of programs are free PC tools to help folks beginning to explore Radio Astronomy, with 1420 MHz Galactic hydrogen data collection and analysis. The open source programs run on the Python3 programming language, on Windows and Linux.
The ezRA set of programs are still in development, but mostly work well.
Interested folks on GitHub would left-click on the top right Green "Code" button and probably choose "Download ZIP" (about 30 MBytes, probably as "" into your local "Downloads" directory). Then start exploring the many PDF files in your ezRA/doc directory. Also the videos listed below.
ezRA documentation has many images. Rather than duplicate those image bytes here in an online file, please see these introductory PDFs from the ezRA directory:
"System Tour" showing what ezRA can do:
ezRA_01_Tour.pdf -
Quick overview of programs and documentation:
Or perhaps start with these 2 introductory videos (from the longer list of videos below):
ezCol - COLlect radio signals into integrated frequency spectrum ezRA .txt data files.
Or convert previous radio data with ezColBAA, ezColDSPIRA, ezColHay, ezColIFAvg, ezColSc, etc.
ezFix - remove or separate samples, combine, edit, and split frequency spectrum ezRA .txt data files.
ezCon - CONdense one or more frequency spectrum data .txt files into one .ezb text data file, and perhaps one Galaxy crossing spectra *Gal.npz data file.
ezPlot - PLOT analysis from one or more .ezb condensed data files.
ezSky - SKY maps from one or more .ezb condensed data files.
ezGal - GALaxy plots from one or more spectra *Gal.npz data files (centered on one Galactic Latitude: Galaxy rotation, Galaxy mass, Velocity vs Galactic Longitude, Galaxy arm plots).
ezGLon - Galaxy LONgitude plots from one or more spectra *GLon.npz data files (centered on one Galactic Longitude: Galaxy arm cross-section plots, 4D Galaxy arms).
- Pablo 1 - ezRA Installation on Windows
- Pablo 2 - ezCol with USB Relay Control of LNA Resistor
- Pablo 3 - ezCon Plot Tour
- Pablo 4 - ezCol Data Collecting Software in Action
- ezRA Analysis 1 - Introduction, Data Collectors
- ezRA Analysis 2 - Spreadsheet Analysis
- ezRA Analysis 3 - Signal Progression
- ezRA Analysis 4 - More Plots and .ezb File
- ezRA Analysis 5 - Interference Filters
- ezRA Analysis 6 - ezSky
- ezRA Analysis 7 - AntXTVT and VLSR
- ezRA Analysis 8 - ezGal
- 3D Plots - Nov-03-2024 - RinearnGraph3D
- 3D Plots - Dec-15-2024 - Galaxy Movie
- 3D Plots - Jan-05-2025 - -ezSkyBallCsv
- 3D Plots - Jan-19-2025 - Stereo
- 3D Plots - Feb-02-2025 - Stereo Island Movie
Very Shorts:
Open video, right click on face of video, and click on "Loop"
- 3D Plots - Galaxy Rotation Movie
- Cross-eyed Stereo Image for Practice Viewing
- Cross-eyed Stereo Movie - ezCon087 Rotation
- Cross-eyed Stereo Movie - ezSky470 Ball
- Cross-eyed Stereo Movie - ezSky500 Bumpy Ball
- Cross-eyed Stereo Movie - Galaxy Rotation
- Cross-eyed Stereo Movie - Island Rotation
Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA)
- ezRA_00_Introduction.pdf
- ezRA_01_Tour.pdf
- ezRA_05_Demonstration.pdf
- ezRA_10_Hardware_1.pdf
- ezRA_11_Hardware_2.pdf
- ezRA_20a_Software.pdf
- ezRA_20b_Windows_Install.pdf
- ezRA_20c_Linux_Install.pdf
- ezRA_21a_ezCol.pdf
- ezRA_21d_ezColBAA.pdf
- ezRA_21c_ezColHay.pdf
- ezRA_21b_ezColIFAvg.pdf
- ezRA_21e_ezColSC.pdf
- ezRA_21y_ezRename.pdf
- ezRA_21z_ezFix.pdf
- ezRA_22_ezCon.pdf
- ezRA_23_ezPlot.pdf
- ezRA_24_ezSky.pdf
- ezRA_25_ezGal.pdf
- ezRA_26_ezGLon.pdf
- ezSky's ezSkyXYLimL allows zoomed interpolated plots of the sky.
- ezCol and ezCon now support RaDec and Galactic sky tracking (but no motor control).
- ezCon's default is now the faster "-ezConAstroMath 1".
Thanks to Todd Ullery, the was an experimental multiple process version of , to improve dashboard responsiveness.
The experiment has completed successfully, ezColX is now named ezCol, and the name ezColX is retired.
These data converter programs need lots of cleanup, but should work or be helpful:
Always need more documentation.
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Email me your news.
Comments are encouraged !
Help improve ezRA.
[email protected]
(World Map by juicy_fish on