A functional programming library including a lazy list implementation and some of the most usual functions.
import FP "github.com/tcard/functional"
go get github.com/tcard/functional
Tested on Go 1.
The Fibonacci sequence, infinite stream:
var fibo *FP.Thunk
fibo = FP.Link(1, FP.DelayedLink(1, func() *FP.Thunk {
return FP.MapN(func(xs ...FP.I) FP.I {
ret := 0
for _, v := range xs {
ret += v.(int)
return ret
}, fibo, fibo.Tail())
Which is an uglier, slower version of the famous Lisp-like:
(define fibo
(cons 1
(cons 1
(map + fibo (cdr fibo)))))
For showing some "real" utility, this would retrieve the third page of a blog:
var posts *FP.Thunk = ...
page := 3
postsPerPage := 10
_ = posts.Drop((page - 1) * postsPerPage).Take(postsPerPage).Map(func (post FP.I) FP.I {
return post
See documentation and tests for detailed usage.
- Better memoization.
- Ability to skip lists and work directly with slices, although lack of generics would make it clumsy anyway.
- Some optimizations.