Go to https://tbfleming.github.io/em-shell/
- Runs on Chrome and Firefox
- Some built-in commands work
- Some vfork-exec commands work
- Gets confused when the terminal page has more than 1 tab or window opened on it
- busybox compiled by emscripten
- Doesn't use Emterpreter or Asyncify!
- busybox processes run in web workers
- The web workers communicate with the UI through a service worker
- The web workers use synchronous (blocking) XMLHttpRequest to wait for terminal input
- Linux (tested with Ubuntu 15.04 Server)
- Node (tested with 4.2.1)
- Emscripten (tested with 1.35.2)
- Create a symlink: emgcc -> emcc
git clone https://github.com/tbfleming/em-shell.git
git clone https://github.com/tbfleming/em-busybox.git
cd em-shell