Currently badly oreiented lol pls wait for sm time i will fix it :)
I am Vignesh.T.A from India.
I code out of interest for fun and have developed a Discord Bot - Asteroid with Python and JavaScript both!!
I love to play PC games. Wanna Play with me? Join me on Discord
🔭 I know a handfull of programming languages and am a hobbyist in electronics and Arduino projects.
🔭 I’m currently working on a handfull projects of which Asteroid is one.
🌱 I’m currently learning java.
💬 Ask me about anything i will try my best to help you out!!
💗 I love forking usefull repositories
💗 Things I love the Most:
🎮 Gaming
🖥️ Programming
🕵️ Hacking
🎞️ Movies
🎶 Songs
💤 Sleeping
🏀 Outdoor Games (Basketball, Badminton, Football, Volleyball)
A lot more OfC : )
📫 How to reach me:
Discord - Vignesh_x64ᴰᵉᵛ#5380
Discord - Discord Server(Most Active)
Discord - Discord Server
Mail 1 - [email protected]
Mail 3 - [email protected]
Website - Teroid.Tech
Carrd - tavignesh
YouTube - (2nd Most active)
Twitch - Comming Soon
Xbox - tavignesh04
Instagram - h4k3r_vignesh_ta (3rd Most active)
HackerRank - vigneshta004
Twitter - tavignesh
Twitter - Aster0id_Gaming
Facebook - Comming Soon
LinkedIn - tavignesh
My websites (Fully or Partially):
Languages, Software n Tools I Use
The above list is Not in any kind of order
My Github Stats:
NOTE: 'Most Used Languages' or 'tools used' or any other info does not indicate my skill level or anything like that, it's just a github metric of which languages I have the most code on github.