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Local K8s with Minikube and Hyperkit

This project is to quickly create a K8s cluster on local machine with Minikube.

Note: This instruction is on Mac OS

App structure


  • Homebrew installed
  • Hypervisor installed (Virtualbox, Hyperkit, etc.)

Get started

  1. Install kubectl and Hyperkit with Homebrew
    brew install kubernetes-cli hyperkit && kubectl version

  2. Install Minikube with Homebrew
    brew cask install minikube

  3. Set Minikube driver to Hyperkit (default is Virtualbox)
    minikube config set vm-driver hyperkit

  4. Create a Minikube node and enable Ingress
    minikube start

  5. Enable Ingress Add-on for Minikube
    minikube addons enable ingress

  6. Clone this repo
    git clone [email protected]:turbothinh/K8s-with-Minikube.git && cd K8s-with-Minikube

  7. Create objects in the cluster
    kubectl apply -f k8s

  8. Enable Ingress-nginx service
    kubectl apply -f

  9. Check if everything is working correctly using Minikube dashboard
    minikube dashboard

  10. Connect to the exposed services: client and server

    • First get Minikube IP by running minikube ip
    • Copy the IP and paste to browser to visit client
    • Append /api to the IP on browser to visit server
