Release: 2.1.3 | build: 2024.08.26 | PHP: ^7.2.5|^8.0
Ultra Small Proxy is a lightweight proxy written in PHP.
composer require szczyglis/php-ultra-small-proxy
- Proxy server written in PHP
- Easy to use and integrate
- Simple and lightweight
- Sessions support
- Supports sending and receiving cookies
- Supports sending and receiving HTTP headers
- Cache and asset storage
- Domain and IP/host connection support
- HTTP Basic Auth support
- GET and POST request handling
- Form submission support
- POST variable redirection
- Toolbar with address bar, configuration, and debugger
- URLs rewritten/proxied at runtime (links, images, CSS, JavaScript, etc.)
- Two different methods for URL rewriting: Regex (with preg_replace) and XML (with libxml/DOM)
- Supports PHP 7.2.5+ and 8.0+
- PHP 7.2.5+ or 8.0+ with CURL and XML extensions
- Composer -
// app.php
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Szczyglis\UltraSmallProxy\UltraSmallProxy;
use Szczyglis\UltraSmallProxy\Config;
$config = new Config();
$proxy = new UltraSmallProxy($config);
echo $proxy->load(''); // <-- specify start page here
Ensure you have write permissions to the ./cookies
and ./cache
Open loopback.php
if you want to test proxy features such as session support, POST variable redirection, form submission, and more, e.g.:
$output = $proxy->load('http://localhost/loopback.php');
- proxy classes -
- usage example -
- loopback for testing features like session support, form variable sending, and cookie redirection
use Szczyglis\UltraSmallProxy\UltraSmallProxy;
use Szczyglis\UltraSmallProxy\Config;
$config = new Config();
$proxy = new UltraSmallProxy($config);
echo $proxy->load('');
$output = $proxy->load('', $force = false);
Boolean $force
- if set to false
, URLs given in the QUERY STRING will always overwrite URLs passed here. Set to true
to reverse this behavior. Default: false
Before page load:
$config->set('init', true) - boolean
, auto-init true|false
, default: true
$config->set('source', 'domain') - string
, input source domain|ip
, default: domain
$config->set('raw', false) - boolean
, raw download true|false
, default: false
$config->set('toolbar', true) - boolean
, attach toolbar true|false
, default: true
$config->set('user_agent', 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)') - string
, user agent, default: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;)
$config->set('timeout', 120) - int
, curl timeout, default: 120
$config->set('max_redirects', 10) - int
, curl max redirects, default: 10
$config->set('cookies_dir', './cookies') - string
, cookies directory, default: ./cookies
$config->set('cache_dir', './cache') - string
, cache directory, default: ./cache
$config->set('method', 'GET') - string
, request method GET|POST
$config->set('rewrite', 'REGEX2') - string
, rewrite method REGEX,REGEX2,REGEX3,DOM
, default: REGEX2
$config->set('rewrite_url', true) - boolean
, enable URL rewriting true|false
, default: true
$config->set('rewrite_img', true) - boolean
, enable IMG rewriting true|false
, default: true
$config->set('rewrite_js', true) - boolean
, enable JS rewriting true|false
, default: true
$config->set('rewrite_form', true) - boolean
, enable FORM ACTION rewriting true|false
, default: true
$config->set('rewrite_css', true) - boolean
, enable CSS rewriting true|false
, default: true
$config->set('rewrite_video', true) - boolean
, enable VIDEO rewriting true|false
, default: true
$config->set('rewrite_ip', true) - boolean
, enable domain to IP+Host resolve true|false
, default: true
$config->set('assets', 'REDIRECT') - string
, assets proxying mode REDIRECT|CURL
, default: REDIRECT
$config->set('is_cfg', false) - boolean
, show options true|false
, default: false
$config->set('is_dbg', false) - boolean
, show debug true|false
, default: false
$config->set('htaccess_user', 'user') - string
, HTTP AUTH user
$config->set('htaccess_pass', 'pass') - string
, HTTP AUTH password
After page load:
$siteCookies = $proxy->cookie->getSiteCookies() - returns cookies[] received from proxied site
$localCookies = $proxy->cookie->getLocalCookies() - returns cookies[] stored localy and sended to proxied site
$status = $proxy->http->getStatus() - returns connection status[]
$headers = $proxy->http->getHeaders() - returns received headers[]
$sid = $proxy->getSid() - returns proxied PHPSESSID if exists
$errors = $proxy->getErrors() - returns error messages[] if occured
Other methods:
$parsed = $proxy->render($html) - parses/rewrites URLs in custom HTML content with the selected $rewriteMode
-- Package was added to Packagist (2022-04-23)
-- Updated PHPDoc (2022-04-25)
-- Updated composer.json (2022-04-28)
-- improved documentation (2024-08-26)
Ultra Small Proxy is free to use, but if you like it, you can support my work by buying me a coffee ;)
MIT License | 2022 Marcin 'szczyglis' Szczygliński
Contact: [email protected]