ansible-drift will send mails showing your configration drift from a specified playbook. The script can be run interactively or via cron and update your git repo if necessary. Each host in hostlist will be checked separately.
# a bash compatible list of hosts you want to check
drift_hostlist: "{{ groups['all']|sort|join(' ') }}"
# send mails to
drift_receiver: root
# run as
drift_user: ansible
# define playbook to be regularly executed
# drift_playbook:
# define a git branch to pull
# drift_branch: "origin main"
drift_branch: ""
Download latest release with ansible-galaxy
$ ansible-galaxy install systemli.drift
- hosts: servers
- systemli.drift
drift_playbook: /home/ansible/ansible/site.yml
For developing and testing the role we use Github Actions, Molecule, and Vagrant. On the local environment you can easily test the role with
Run local tests with:
molecule test
Requires Molecule, Vagrant and python-vagrant
to be installed.For developing and testing the role we use Travis CI, Molecule and Vagrant. On the local environment you can easily test the role with