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Flashing with Node SAM Ba Utility in OSX
This is a nodejs utility that you can flash your ARM based g2 boards with.
The easiest way to install NodeJs on OSX is to use the node version manager. Use this one-liner at the command line to install nvm:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.4/install.sh | bash
After nvm is installed type:\
`nvm install 6`
This will install node version 6.
Next we use git to download node-sam-ba like the screen shot below:
git clone https://github.com/synthetos/node-sam-ba.git
Installing is pretty simple. Change to the node-sam-ba directory and then issue the npm command to download and install all needed dependencies.
cd node-sam-ba
npm install
To use the node-sam-ba programming utility you need to make sure your USB cable is hooked to your g2core board and that the board is in bootloader mode. IE: No heart beats blinking. See entering bootloader mode for more details on this.
You can now type: node flash.js
to get the command usage.
You will notice that you must provide a port (-p option) to specify which serial port the g2core board is identified in your computer. If you do not see a port make sure that your board is hooked up and is in bootloader mode.
My command looked something like this: node flash.js -p /dev/tty.usbmodem146231 -b ~/Documents/GitHub/g2/g2core/bin/Ultimaker2Plus-gquintic-c/g2core.bin
INCOMPLETE: Attach Video and screen shot. -ril3y
Getting Started Pages
- Home
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Reference Pages
- Gcodes
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- Status Codes
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- Feedhold, Resume, Job Kill
- Marlin Compatibility
- 9 Axis UVW Operation
- gQuintic Specs
Discussion Topics
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- Digital DRO
- Overview of Motion Processing
Developer Pages
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- OSX w/Xcode
- OSX/Linux Command Line
- Windows10 w/AtmelStudio7
- Debugging G2 on OSX
- Board and Machine Profiles
- Arduino Due Pinout
- Arduino DUE External Interfaces
- Diagnostics
- Debugging w/Motate Pins
- Development Troubleshooting
- g2core Communications
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- Windows 10 / VMware 8 Issues
- Dual Endpoint USB Internals
- G2core License
- VSCode Setup
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- Wiki History