Gem to convet PlantUML diagrams using or local PlantUML server
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'plantuml_builder'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install plantuml_builder
PlantUML allows to describe UML (and some other) diagrams in it's own text format.
For example, sequence diagram:
actor User
User -> MyService : perform
activate MyService
return true
deactivate MyService
The diagram above will be rendered to:
PlantUML web service expects compression of such diagrams into it's own format. The diagram above should be converted to
Using plantuml_builder
you can fetch rendered diagrams from specified server.
Diagrams could be fetched as SVG, PNG, and TXT (ASCII-art) format.
To build one diagram in SVG format from run:
$ plantuml_build png source_file.wsd destination_file.svg
If you need build whole directory, specify -R
flag before source. To build it into PNG diagrams:
$ plantuml_build png -R src dest
If you want to use local server as endpoint, specify it with --endpoint
$ plantuml_build txt source_file.wsd destination_file.txt --endpoint=http://localhost:8080
First, receive diagram text (from WSD or other file format).
wsd = <<-WSD
actor User
User -> MyService : perform
activate MyService
return true
deactivate MyService
Fetch diagram as SVG:
=> "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" contentScriptType=\"application/ecmascript\" contentStyleType=\"text/css\" height=\"251px\" preserveAspectRatio=\"none\" style=\"width:152px;height:251px;\" version=\"1.1\" viewBox=\"0 0 152 251\" width=\"152px\" zoomAndPan=\"magnify\">\n<defs>\n<filter height=\"300%\" id=\"fz1m93rvif4fb\" width=\"300%\" x=\"-1\" y=\"-1\">\n<feGaussianBlur result=\"blurOut\" stdDeviation=\"2.0\"/>\n<feColorMatrix in=\"blurOut\" result=\"blurOut2\" type=\"matrix\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 0\"/>\n<feOffset dx=\"4.0\" dy=\"4.0\" in=\"blurOut2\" result=\"blurOut3\"/>\n<feBlend in=\"SourceGraphic\" in2=\"blurOut3\" mode=\"normal\"/>\n</filter>\n</defs>\n<g>\n<rect fill=\"#FFFFFF\" filter=\"url(#fz1m93rvif4fb)\" height=\"29.1328\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.0;\" width=\"10\" x=\"97\" y=\"117.4297\"/>\n<line style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.0; stroke-dasharray: 5.0,5.0;\" x1=\"27\" x2=\"27\" y1=\"86.2969\" y2=\"164.5625\"/>\n<line style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.0; stroke-dasharray: 5.0,5.0;\" x1=\"101.5\" x2=\"101.5\" y1=\"86.2969\" y2=\"164.5625\"/>\n<text fill=\"#000000\" font-family=\"sans-serif\" font-size=\"14\" lengthAdjust=\"spacingAndGlyphs\" textLength=\"32\" x=\"8\" y=\"82.9951\">\nUser</text>\n<ellipse cx=\"27\" cy=\"13\" fill=\"#FEFECE\" filter=\"url(#fz1m93rvif4fb)\" rx=\"8\" ry=\"8\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 2.0;\"/>\n<path d=\"M27,21 L27,48 M14,29 L40,29 M27,48 L14,63 M27,48 L40,63 \" fill=\"none\" filter=\"url(#fz1m93rvif4fb)\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 2.0;\"/>\n<text fill=\"#000000\" font-family=\"sans-serif\" font-size=\"14\" lengthAdjust=\"spacingAndGlyphs\" textLength=\"32\" x=\"8\" y=\"176.5576\">\nUser</text>\n<ellipse cx=\"27\" cy=\"189.8594\" fill=\"#FEFECE\" filter=\"url(#fz1m93rvif4fb)\" rx=\"8\" ry=\"8\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 2.0;\"/>\n<path d=\"M27,197.8594 L27,224.8594 M14,205.8594 L40,205.8594 M27,224.8594 L14,239.8594 M27,224.8594 L40,239.8594 \" fill=\"none\" filter=\"url(#fz1m93rvif4fb)\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 2.0;\"/>\n<rect fill=\"#FEFECE\" filter=\"url(#fz1m93rvif4fb)\" height=\"30.2969\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.5;\" width=\"83\" x=\"58.5\" y=\"51\"/>\n<text fill=\"#000000\" font-family=\"sans-serif\" font-size=\"14\" lengthAdjust=\"spacingAndGlyphs\" textLength=\"69\" x=\"65.5\" y=\"70.9951\">\nMyService</text>\n<rect fill=\"#FEFECE\" filter=\"url(#fz1m93rvif4fb)\" height=\"30.2969\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.5;\" width=\"83\" x=\"58.5\" y=\"163.5625\"/>\n<text fill=\"#000000\" font-family=\"sans-serif\" font-size=\"14\" lengthAdjust=\"spacingAndGlyphs\" textLength=\"69\" x=\"65.5\" y=\"183.5576\">\nMyService</text>\n<rect fill=\"#FFFFFF\" filter=\"url(#fz1m93rvif4fb)\" height=\"29.1328\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.0;\" width=\"10\" x=\"97\" y=\"117.4297\"/>\n<polygon fill=\"#A80036\" points=\"85,113.4297,95,117.4297,85,121.4297,89,117.4297\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.0;\"/>\n<line style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.0;\" x1=\"27\" x2=\"91\" y1=\"117.4297\" y2=\"117.4297\"/>\n<text fill=\"#000000\" font-family=\"sans-serif\" font-size=\"13\" lengthAdjust=\"spacingAndGlyphs\" textLength=\"51\" x=\"34\" y=\"112.3638\">\nperform</text>\n<polygon fill=\"#A80036\" points=\"38,142.5625,28,146.5625,38,150.5625,34,146.5625\" style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.0;\"/>\n<line style=\"stroke: #A80036; stroke-width: 1.0; stroke-dasharray: 2.0,2.0;\" x1=\"32\" x2=\"101\" y1=\"146.5625\" y2=\"146.5625\"/>\n<text fill=\"#000000\" font-family=\"sans-serif\" font-size=\"13\" lengthAdjust=\"spacingAndGlyphs\" textLength=\"26\" x=\"44\" y=\"141.4966\">\ntrue</text>\n\n</g>\n</svg"
PlantUML renders SVG as single line of XML code. It is not comfortable because it is impossible
to store it in version control system. So, plantuml_builder
fixes it.
Also, XML comment with description would be removed.
Fetch diagram as PNG:
=> # diagram in PNG
Result could be outputed as:
│ ┌─────────┐
┌┴┐ │MyService│
User └────┬────┘
│ perform ┌┴┐
│ ───────────────>│ │
│ │ │
│ true │ │
│ <─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─│ │
User ┌───└┬┘───┐
┌─┐ │MyService│
║"│ └─────────┘
You can also use PlantUML on your local computer, installed, or using docker image. You need to specify endpoint:, 'http://localhost:8080').load
Default endpoint is:
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.