Ported to PS Vita by Axiom. I (Axiom) did NOT do the original work of porting & reverse engineering this game, I am simply updating & maintaining a PS Vita port.
The game compiled without any complaints on PS Vita just by passing the appropriate CMake Flags.
Initial tweaks have been made to get the game feature complete, but for now it's just the barebones.
X - Plunger
L - Left Bumper
R - Right Bumper
Touch Screen - For now, just the IMGUI gui.
Bind tilt controls (left dpad? square and circle? gyro eventually?)Fix music- (Milestone goal) More Vita-like ImGui style.
- (Milestone goal) "Vertical" orientation mode
- (Stretch goal) Re-bind Vita controls.
I need to increase the size of the IMGUI controls and add support for the full range of Vita input.DONEI would also like to bind the main Pinball menus to the Vita Dpad/Cross button.DONE
Requires VITASDK installed.
git clone https://github.com/suicvne/SpaceCadetPinball_Vita.git
cd SpaceCadetPinball_Vita/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$VITASDK/share/vita.toolchain.cmake -DSDL2_PATH=$VITASDK/arm-vita-eabi/lib/ -DSDL2_INCLUDE_DIR=$VITASDK/arm-vita-eabi/include/SDL2 ../
Place resources from your copy of the game into ux0:data/SpaceCadetPinball. The directory will be created the first time you run the game.
Summary: Reverse engineering of 3D Pinball for Windows – Space Cadet
, a game bundled with Windows.
How to play: Place compiled executable into a folder containing original game resources (not included).
Supports data files from Windows and Full Tilt versions of the game.
fromWindows XP
) and its public PDBCADET.EXE
32bit version fromFull Tilt! Pinball
Tools used: Ghidra
, Ida
, Visual Studio
What was done:
- All structures were populated, globals and locals named.
- All subs were decompiled, C pseudo code was converted to compilable C++. Loose (namespace?) subs were assigned to classes.
Project uses C++11
and depends on SDL2
On Windows:
Download and unpack devel packages for SDL2
and SDL2_mixer
Set paths to them in CMakeLists.txt, see suggested placement in /Libs.
Compile with Visual Studio; tested with 2019.
On Linux:
Install devel packages for SDL2
and SDL2_mixer
Compile with CMake; tested with GCC 10, Clang 11.
Decompile original gameResizable window, scaled graphicsLoader for high-res sprites from CADET.DAT- Misc features of Full Tilt: 3 music tracks, multiball, centered textboxes, etc.
- Cross-platform port
- Using SDL2, SDL2_mixer_x (SDL2_mixer works too, but without music support), ImGui
- Maybe: Android port
- Maybe x2: support for other two tables
- Table specific BL (control interactions and missions) is hardcoded, othere parts might be also patched
On 64-bit bug that killed the game:
I did not find it, decompiled game worked in x64 mode on the first try.
It was either lost in decompilation or introduced in x64 port/not present in x86 build.
Based on public description of the bug (no ball collision), I guess that the bug was in TEdgeManager::TestGridBox