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Table of Contents
  1. 关于项目
  2. 运行项目
  3. 使用
  4. 许可

English 中文

About the Project / 关于项目



一直以来,我都想写一篇关于 Clean Architecture 和 MVVM 的实践分享。之前在实际项目中,我持续使用这种架构,对其带来的优势有了更深的理解。如今借助一个简单的业务场景进行抽象,实现了这一架构的应用。 在这样的架构下,业务逻辑与UI层高度解耦,使得更换页面变得极为轻松,几乎可以做到“无痛切换”,以下就是以简单的博客列表做展示。

ArcBlockApp 是一个用于展示博客列表的应用程序,支持点击分类标签和博客详情页面进行跳转。
该项目采用 Clean ArchitectureMVVM 设计模式,旨在通过清晰的架构设计,实现以下目标:

  • 可测试性
  • 模块化开发
  • 模块的高复用性


  1. 模块解耦
  • 尽量依赖抽象,模块之间通过协议进行接口定义,避免直接依赖具体的类。
  1. 依赖注入
  • 使用依赖注入(Dependency Injection)进行类的初始化,确保模块的灵活性。
  • 提供应用级注入管理器,将基础服务(如数据服务等)注入到各模块中。
  1. 统一跳转管理
  • 控制器之间的跳转通过统一的协调器(Coordinator)进行管理。
  • 避免控制器直接耦合,提升项目的可维护性和扩展性。
  1. 提供应用配置项
  • 提供应用级别配置项,设定app全局系统配置,加载统一全局配置(启发思路来自info.plist)


整个项目按照 Clean Architecture 进行分层,主要包括以下三个层级:

  • Domain Layer = Entities + Use Cases + Repositories Interfaces
  • Data Repositories Layer = Repositories Implementations + (datalayer)
  • Presentation Layer (MVVM) = ViewModels + Views



1. Domain Layer

Domain 层主要包含业务逻辑和实体模型。该层对业务规则进行定义和封装。

1.1 Entities
  • Blog.swift:定义了博客的实体模型。
  • BlogQuery.swift:定义获取博客列表时所需的请求参数。
1.2 Use Cases
  • FetchBlogQueriesUseCase.swift:定义获取博客列表的核心用例逻辑,即应用的业务行为。
1.3 Repositories Interfaces
  • BlogRepository.swift:定义了获取博客列表的数据来源接口。

说明: Domain Layer 层中仅定义访问数据的方式(纯业务层),不关心底层数据的实现(如网络请求、本地数据),具体的实现细节由 Data 层去完成。

2. Data Layer

Data 层主要包含数据加载部分,此处为数据提供方,由于本项目为了方便演示采用本地json数据,后续如果采用网络接口,网络接口只需要实现Domain Layer的BlogRepository接口即可切换成本极低。

2.1 LocalData
  • LocalDataConfig.swift:本地数据配置
  • LocalDataService.swift:本地数据服务,实现BlogRepository数据接口加载数来源。

3. Presentation Layer

Presentation Layer 层主要包含页面展示部分,包括view以及viewmodel部分。

3.1 view
  • BlogWebViewController.swift,BlogListTableViewController.swift:webview控制器(跳转详情和类别),列表控制器(页面viewmodel绑定)
  • BlogListItemCell.swift,TagsView.swift:列表cellview,流式布局控件
3.1 ViewModels
  • BlogListViewModel.swift:列表数据VIewmodel,负责数据到cell的viewModel转化。
  • BlogListItemViewModel.swift cell的viewModel。

说明: Presentation Layer BlogWebViewController 和 BlogDetailsViewController 被归入 View 层,是因为其中的业务逻辑已经被拆分,控制器的主要职责是处理页面的展示逻辑和用户交互。



Xcode Version 16.2 Swift 5.0+


  1. Clone 项目
    git clone


  1. 进入项目根目录下,找到ArcBlockApp.xcodeproj
  2. 使用Xcode打开ArcBlockApp.xcodeproj文件
  3. 等待依赖package加载完成
  4. 可以选择真机或者模拟器链接,点击xcode三角按钮或者(product-> run)进行运行


MIT license Copyright (c) 2024

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About the Project


I have always wanted to share my experience in practicing Clean Architecture and the MVVM design pattern. Previously, I consistently applied this architecture in real-world projects, which deepened my understanding of its benefits. Now, using a simple business scenario, I’ve abstracted and demonstrated the implementation of this architecture.

With this structure, the business logic is highly decoupled from the UI layer, making it incredibly easy to switch to UI achieving a seamless and “painless” transition. I hope this demonstration can inspire others in their architectural design and development practices.

ArcBlockApp is an application that displays a blog list and supports navigation to specific categories or detailed blog pages.
The project adopts Clean Architecture and the MVVM design pattern to achieve the following goals through a clear architectural structure:

  • Testability
  • Modular development
  • High module reusability

Design Approach

  1. Module Decoupling:

    • Rely on abstractions as much as possible. Modules define interfaces through protocols to avoid direct dependencies on specific classes.
  2. Dependency Injection:

    • Use Dependency Injection for class initialization to ensure module flexibility.
    • Provide an application-level injection manager to inject fundamental services (e.g., data services) into various modules.
  3. Unified Navigation Management:

    • Navigation between controllers is managed through a centralized Coordinator.
    • This avoids tight coupling between controllers, enhancing maintainability and scalability.
  4. Global Configuration Options:

    • Provide application-level configuration options, defining global system settings.
    • Load unified configurations inspired by the info.plist approach.

Project Architecture

The project is organized according to Clean Architecture and consists of the following three main layers:

  • Domain Layer = Entities + Use Cases + Repository Interfaces
  • Data Repositories Layer = Repository Implementations + Data Sources
  • Presentation Layer (MVVM) = ViewModels + Views

Dependency Diagram

Dependency Diagram

1. Domain Layer

The Domain Layer primarily contains business logic and entity models. This layer defines and encapsulates business rules.

1.1 Entities

  • Blog.swift: Defines the blog entity model.
  • BlogQuery.swift: Defines the request parameters required to retrieve the blog list.

1.2 Use Cases

  • FetchBlogQueriesUseCase.swift: Defines the core logic for retrieving the blog list, which represents the application's business behavior.

1.3 Repository Interfaces

  • BlogRepository.swift: Defines the data source interface for retrieving the blog list.

Note: The Domain Layer only specifies the method of accessing data (pure business layer) and does not concern itself with implementation details such as network requests or local data. These are implemented in the Data Layer.

2. Data Layer

The Data Layer primarily handles data loading and acts as the data provider.
For demonstration purposes, this project uses local JSON data. If network APIs are later adopted, replacing the data source only requires implementing the BlogRepository interface in the Domain Layer, minimizing switching costs.

2.1 LocalData

  • LocalDataConfig.swift: Local data configuration.
  • LocalDataService.swift: Local data service that implements the BlogRepository interface to load data from local sources.

3. Presentation Layer

The Presentation Layer handles the user interface and includes both Views and ViewModels.


  • BlogWebViewController.swift, BlogListTableViewController.swift:

    • BlogWebViewController handles navigation to blog details or categories.
    • BlogListTableViewController manages the blog list and binds to the ViewModel.
  • BlogListItemCell.swift, TagsView.swift:

    • BlogListItemCell: Represents the blog list cell view.
    • TagsView: A flow layout control for displaying category tags.

3.2 ViewModels

  • BlogListViewModel.swift: The ViewModel for the blog list, responsible for converting data into ViewModel objects for cells.
  • BlogListItemViewModel.swift: The ViewModel for individual cells.

Note: In the Presentation Layer, the BlogWebViewController and BlogDetailsViewController are classified as part of the View layer. Their main responsibility is to handle page rendering logic and user interactions, as the business logic has been separated.

Getting Started


  • Xcode Version 16.2
  • Swift 5.0+


  1. Clone the project
    git clone


  1. Navigate to the project root directory and locate the ArcBlockApp.xcodeproj file.
  2. Open the ArcBlockApp.xcodeproj file using Xcode.
  3. Wait for the required dependency packages to finish loading.
  4. Select a real device or a simulator. Click the Run button (the triangle button) in Xcode, or use Product -> Run to launch the project.


MIT License © 2024

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