Example API app that uses the core library.
This example uses the new repository hooks as well to simplify Dynamo access. To start, after getting this repo:
- Do a "find-replace all" - github.com/suared/core-apiuser ==> yourpackage 1.1. Remove the .git directory or copy everything except the .git directory into your target repo (if the former, create a new repo)
- Starting from the model and working up, replace each layer with your intended package. Generally rename the files to target and then update using the same overall style
- run "make test" from your new base dir. This is your test target and will run your test files in order from the model tier upward
- update your infra/ to be relevant to you, especially the .env files in the base and dev/ which will be used when deploying to dev as well as the variable files
- do the same above to each respective environment you will have
Critical notes:
- Test in order to minimize confusion - packages from bottom (model) to top (api).
- Do the same as you deploy to new environments to validate each step