This is a no-longer-maintained fork. Please use the upstream package instead.
Redigo is a Go client for the Redis database.
- A Print-like API with support for all Redis commands.
- Pipelining, including pipelined transactions.
- Publish/Subscribe.
- Connection pooling.
- Script helper type with optimistic use of EVALSHA.
- Helper functions for working with command replies.
Install Redigo using the "go get" command:
go get
The Go distribution is Redigo's only dependency.
- rafaeljusto/redigomock - A mock library for Redigo.
- chasex/redis-go-cluster - A Redis cluster client implementation.
Gary is looking for someone to take over maintenance of this project. If you are interested, contact Gary at the email address listed on his GitHub profile page.
PRs for major features will not be accepted until a new maintainer is found. Bug reports and PRs for bug fixes are welcome.
Redigo is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.