feat: add spec to describe space/content/decrypt ability #418
10 errors
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "decrypt".
Suggested alternatives: "decry pt", "decry-pt", "decry", "crypt"
If you want to ignore this message, add decrypt to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "decrypt".
Suggested alternatives: "decry pt", "decry-pt", "decry", "crypt"
If you want to ignore this message, add decrypt to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "Decrypt".
Suggested alternatives: "Decry pt", "Decry-pt", "Decry", "Crypt"
If you want to ignore this message, add Decrypt to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "decrypt".
Suggested alternatives: "decry pt", "decry-pt", "decry", "crypt"
If you want to ignore this message, add decrypt to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "Decrypt".
Suggested alternatives: "Decry pt", "Decry-pt", "Decry", "Crypt"
If you want to ignore this message, add Decrypt to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "decrypt".
Suggested alternatives: "decry pt", "decry-pt", "decry", "crypt"
If you want to ignore this message, add decrypt to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "zAliceSpace".
Suggested alternatives: "namespaces"
If you want to ignore this message, add zAliceSpace to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "'sub'".
Suggested alternatives: "usual's"
If you want to ignore this message, add 'sub' to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "'with'".
Suggested alternatives: "with"
If you want to ignore this message, add 'with' to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "Decrypt".
Suggested alternatives: "Decry pt", "Decry-pt", "Decry", "Crypt"
If you want to ignore this message, add Decrypt to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt