This tool is an extensible framework that provides an ability to manage server configuration files composed from properties available in the servers environment.
Modern server solutions are compromised of many components, which we currently build and manage in a very monolithic way. This tool aims to inverse the coupling of service configuration in a kind of dependency injection workflow.
The tool holds a strong opinion of convention over configuration, but aims to support extensions a key points to enable integration and customisation to a wide range of solution requirements.
At its heart is the /etc/configbutler
folder, which contains a
number of service config definitions which drive the framework to
support on-boot
configuration of services.
These service files are enumerated in alphabetical order to provide a controlled sequence. The theory of design is that different services can compose different config sets into a single server, allowing the actual values and configuration to be resolved at runtime.
These service files can contain multiple outputs resolved from a single set of properties.
The output of the configuration files are templated using jinja, with a map of parameters used for flow control and replacement.
The properties are resolved through a number of extensible sources such as:
- local host information
- AWS instance tags
- AWS instance metadata
- AWS SSM parameter store
format: 1.0 properties: HOST_NAME: host|hostname HOST_MEMORY: host|total_memory ENVIRONMENT: aws|tags|aws:cloudformation:stack-name appd_enabled: aws|paramstore|${ENVIRONMENT}.appd_enabled application_name: string|sample-app controller_licence: aws|paramstore|${ENVIRONMENT}/appd/licence controller_host: aws|paramstore|${ENVIRONMENT}/appd/controller controller_url: string|/ controller_port: string|1234 use_ssl: string|true jvm_memory: math|multiply|${HOST_MEMORY}|0.8 files: - mode: jinja2 src: /tmp/appdynamics.conf.j2 dest: /opt/appd/config/appdynamics.conf - mode: jinja2 src: /tmp/ dest: /usr/local/tomcat7/conf/
And config templates
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx {{ jvm_memory }}" {% if appd_enabled %} export JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -javaagent:/opt/appd/appd.jar" {% endif %}
<controller-info> <controller-host>{{ controller_host }}.{{ controller_url }}</controller-host> <controller-port>{{ controller_port }}</controller-port> <controller-ssl-enabled>{{ use_ssl }}</controller-ssl-enabled> <enable-orchestration>false</enable-orchestration> <unique-host-id></unique-host-id> <account-access-key>{{ controller_licence }} </account-access-key> <account-name>{{ controller_host }}</account-name> <machine-path></machine-path> <application-name>{{ application_name }}</application-name> <tier-name>{{ tier_name }}</tier-name> <node-name>{{ ansible_ec2_hostname }}</node-name> </controller-info>
Functions that can be used to to manipulate figures to perform basic calculations
- adds two parameters together (eg.math|add|1|${CLUSTER_SIZE}
- subtracts the second from the first parameter (eg.math|subtract|15|${CLUSTER_SIZE}
- multiplys the parameters together (eg.math|multiply|${TOTAL_MEMORY}|0.8
- divides the first by the second parameter (eg.math|divide|${TOTAL_MEMORY}|1024
Example usage
properties: HOST_MEMORY: host|total_memory sub_memory: math|multiply|${HOST_MEMORY}|0.8 jvm_memory: math|divide|${sub_memory}|1024
Un supported (At the moment!)
Un supported (At the moment!)
- the local hostname (eghost|hostname
- the local fully qualified domain name (eghost|fqdn
- the ipaddress of eth0 (eghost|ipaddress
- the number of available CPU cores (eghost|cpu_count
- the total memory available (eghost|total_memory
Example usage
properties: HOSTNAME: host|hostname
A set of properties that are resolved from AWS scoped services
Example usage
properties: aws_account_id: aws|metadata|account_id aws_region: aws|metadata|region instance_type: aws|metadata|instance_type internal_ip: aws|metadata|private_ipv4
Tag values are lookups to the current host’s tags.
eg. Cloudformation tags
Example usage
properties: stack_name: aws|tags|aws:cloudformation:stack-name monitoring_tags: aws|tags|monitoring
In some locations it has been identified that Tags were not resolvable when the servers were initially launched.
If no tags are returned for the current host (but asked for in configuration) configbutler
assumes they have not been set yet and will wait and retry the tag lookup.
This lookup will occur 5 times, each one doubling the time waited between requests.
ERROR:configbutler:No AWS::tag values found, waiting 1sec to retry. ERROR:configbutler:No AWS::tag values found, waiting 2sec to retry. ERROR:configbutler:No AWS::tag values found, waiting 4sec to retry. ERROR:configbutler:No AWS::tag values found, waiting 8sec to retry. ERROR:configbutler:No AWS::tag values found, waiting 16sec to retry. ERROR:configbutler:No AWS::tag values found, continuing with no tags.
If eventually no tags are found after 5 attempts, configbutler
will give up and return None
for any additional tag lookup.
Values looked up from parameter store, where the key may be composed by other resolved variables.
Example usage
properties: ENVIRONMENT: string|test application: string|garden splunk_password: aws|paramstore|/Splunk/SplunkPassword controller_licence: aws|paramstore|/${application}/${ENVIRONMENT}/AppD/account-access-key controller_host: aws|paramstore|/${application}/${ENVIRONMENT}/AppD/controller