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Deprecate forward decls #1277

merged 13 commits into from
Jan 12, 2023
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -302,6 +302,11 @@ let rec lvalue_of_expr {expr; emeta} =
let rec id_of_lvalue {lval; _} =
match lval with LVariable s -> s | LIndexed (l, _) -> id_of_lvalue l

let type_of_arguments :
(UnsizedType.autodifftype * UnsizedType.t * 'a) list
-> UnsizedType.argumentlist = ~f:(fun (a, t, _) -> (a, t))

(* XXX: the parser produces inaccurate locations: smeta.loc.begin_loc is the last
token before the current statement and all the whitespace between two statements
appears as if it were part of the second statement.
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -261,7 +261,16 @@ let repair_syntax program settings =
let canonicalize_program program settings : typed_program =
let program =
if settings.deprecations then
let fundefs = userdef_functions program in
let drop_forwarddecl = function
| {stmt= FunDef {body= {stmt= Skip; _}; funname; arguments; _}; _}
when is_redundant_forwarddecl fundefs funname arguments ->
| _ -> true in
{ program with
functionblock= program.functionblock ~f:(fun x ->
{x with stmts= List.filter ~f:drop_forwarddecl x.stmts} ) }
|> map_program
(replace_deprecated_stmt (collect_userdef_distributions program))
else program in
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44 changes: 35 additions & 9 deletions src/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,21 @@ let is_deprecated_distribution name =
let rename_deprecated map name =
Map.find map name |> ~f:fst |> Option.value ~default:name

let userdef_functions program =
match program.functionblock with
| None -> []
| Some {stmts; _} ->
List.filter_map stmts ~f:(function
| {stmt= FunDef {body= {stmt= Skip; _}; _}; _} -> None
| {stmt= FunDef {funname; arguments; _}; _} ->
Some (, Ast.type_of_arguments arguments)
| _ -> None )

let is_redundant_forwarddecl fundefs funname arguments =
let equal (id1, a1) (id2, a2) =
String.equal id1 id2 && UnsizedType.equal_argumentlist a1 a2 in
List.mem ~equal fundefs (, Ast.type_of_arguments arguments)

let userdef_distributions stmts =
let open String in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,9 +171,16 @@ let rec collect_deprecated_expr (acc : (Location_span.t * string) list)
let collect_deprecated_lval acc l =
fold_lval_with collect_deprecated_expr (fun x _ -> x) acc l

let rec collect_deprecated_stmt (acc : (Location_span.t * string) list) {stmt; _}
: (Location_span.t * string) list =
let rec collect_deprecated_stmt fundefs (acc : (Location_span.t * string) list)
{stmt; _} : (Location_span.t * string) list =
match stmt with
| FunDef {body= {stmt= Skip; _}; funname; arguments; _}
when is_redundant_forwarddecl fundefs funname arguments ->
@ [ ( funname.id_loc
, "Functions do not need to be declared before definition; all user \
defined function names are always in scope regardless of \
defintion order." ) ]
| FunDef
{ body
; funname= {name; id_loc}
Expand All @@ -174,8 +196,8 @@ let rec collect_deprecated_stmt (acc : (Location_span.t * string) list) {stmt; _
^ "' instead if you intend on using this function in ~ \
statements or calling unnormalized probability functions \
inside of it." ) ] in
collect_deprecated_stmt acc body
| FunDef {body; _} -> collect_deprecated_stmt acc body
collect_deprecated_stmt fundefs acc body
| FunDef {body; _} -> collect_deprecated_stmt fundefs acc body
| IfThenElse ({emeta= {type_= UReal; loc; _}; _}, ifb, elseb) ->
let acc =
Expand All @@ -184,8 +206,10 @@ let rec collect_deprecated_stmt (acc : (Location_span.t * string) list) {stmt; _
Stan 2.34. Use an explicit != 0 comparison instead. This can be \
automatically changed using the canonicalize flag for stanc" ) ]
let acc = collect_deprecated_stmt acc ifb in
Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(collect_deprecated_stmt acc) elseb
let acc = collect_deprecated_stmt fundefs acc ifb in
Option.value_map ~default:acc
~f:(collect_deprecated_stmt fundefs acc)
| While ({emeta= {type_= UReal; loc; _}; _}, body) ->
let acc =
Expand All @@ -194,9 +218,10 @@ let rec collect_deprecated_stmt (acc : (Location_span.t * string) list) {stmt; _
Stan 2.34. Use an explicit != 0 comparison instead. This can be \
automatically changed using the canonicalize flag for stanc" ) ]
collect_deprecated_stmt acc body
collect_deprecated_stmt fundefs acc body
| _ ->
fold_statement collect_deprecated_expr collect_deprecated_stmt
fold_statement collect_deprecated_expr
(collect_deprecated_stmt fundefs)
(fun l _ -> l)
acc stmt
Expand All @@ -208,4 +233,5 @@ let collect_userdef_distributions program =
|> String.Map.of_alist_exn

let collect_warnings (program : typed_program) =
fold_program collect_deprecated_stmt [] program
let fundefs = userdef_functions program in
fold_program (collect_deprecated_stmt fundefs) [] program
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/frontend/Deprecation_analysis.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,5 +18,16 @@ val is_deprecated_distribution : string -> bool
val deprecated_distributions : (string * string) String.Map.t
val deprecated_functions : (string * string) String.Map.t
val rename_deprecated : (string * string) String.Map.t -> string -> string

val userdef_functions :
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) statement_with program
-> (string * Middle.UnsizedType.argumentlist) list

val is_redundant_forwarddecl :
(string * Middle.UnsizedType.argumentlist) list
-> identifier
-> (Middle.UnsizedType.autodifftype * Middle.UnsizedType.t * 'a) list
-> bool

val userdef_distributions : untyped_statement block option -> string list
val collect_warnings : typed_program -> Warnings.t list
34 changes: 25 additions & 9 deletions src/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,9 +111,8 @@ let verify_name_fresh_var loc tenv name =
Semantic_error.ident_has_unnormalized_suffix loc name |> error
else if
List.exists (Env.find tenv name) ~f:(function
| {kind= `StanMath; _} ->
false (* user variables can shadow library names *)
| _ -> true )
| {kind= `Variable _; _} -> true
| _ -> false (* user variables can shadow function names *) )
then Semantic_error.ident_in_use loc name |> error

(** verify that the variable being declared is previous unused. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1579,15 +1578,9 @@ and check_fundef loc cf tenv return_ty id args body =
let arg_types = ~f:(fun (w, y, _) -> (w, y)) args in
let arg_identifiers = ~f:(fun (_, _, z) -> z) args in
let arg_names = ~f:(fun x -> arg_identifiers in
verify_fundef_overloaded loc tenv id arg_types return_ty ;
let defined = get_fn_decl_or_defn loc tenv id arg_types return_ty body in
verify_fundef_dist_rt loc id return_ty ;
verify_pdf_fundef_first_arg_ty loc id arg_types ;
verify_pmf_fundef_first_arg_ty loc id arg_types ;
let tenv =
add_function tenv
(UFun (arg_types, return_ty, Fun_kind.suffix_from_name, AoS))
defined in
~f:(fun id -> verify_name_fresh tenv id ~is_udf:false)
arg_identifiers ;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1682,6 +1675,28 @@ let verify_functions_have_defn tenv function_block_stmts_opt =
| Some {stmts= []; _} | None -> ()
| Some {stmts= ls; _} -> List.iter ~f:verify_fun_def_body_in_block ls

let add_userdefined_functions tenv stmts_opt =
match stmts_opt with
| None -> tenv
| Some {stmts; _} ->
let f tenv (s : Ast.untyped_statement) =
match s with
| {stmt= FunDef {returntype; funname; arguments; body}; smeta= {loc}} ->
let arg_types = Ast.type_of_arguments arguments in
verify_fundef_overloaded loc tenv funname arg_types returntype ;
let defined =
get_fn_decl_or_defn loc tenv funname arg_types returntype body
add_function tenv
( arg_types
, returntype
, Fun_kind.suffix_from_name
, AoS ) )
| _ -> tenv in
List.fold ~init:tenv ~f stmts

let check_toplevel_block block tenv stmts_opt =
let cf = context block in
match stmts_opt with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1714,6 +1729,7 @@ let check_program_exn
warnings := [] ;
(* create a new type environment which has only stan-math functions *)
let tenv = Env.stan_math_environment in
let tenv = add_userdefined_functions tenv fb in
let tenv, typed_fb = check_toplevel_block Functions tenv fb in
verify_functions_have_defn tenv typed_fb ;
let tenv, typed_db = check_toplevel_block Data tenv db in
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/middle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ open Core_kernel
open Core_kernel.Poly

type 'propto suffix = FnPlain | FnRng | FnLpdf of 'propto | FnTarget
[@@deriving compare, sexp, hash, map]
[@@deriving compare, sexp, hash, map, equal]

let without_propto = map_suffix (function true | false -> ())

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/middle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ open Core_kernel.Poly
* (fyi a var in the C++ code is an alias for var_value<double>)
type t = AoS | SoA [@@deriving sexp, compare, map, hash, fold]
type t = AoS | SoA [@@deriving sexp, compare, map, hash, fold, equal]

let pp ppf = function
| AoS -> Fmt.string ppf "AoS"
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11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions src/middle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,16 +14,15 @@ type t =
| UComplexRowVector
| UComplexMatrix
| UArray of t
| UFun of
(autodifftype * t) list
* returntype
* bool Fun_kind.suffix
* Mem_pattern.t
| UFun of argumentlist * returntype * bool Fun_kind.suffix * Mem_pattern.t
| UMathLibraryFunction

and argumentlist = (autodifftype * t) list

and autodifftype = DataOnly | AutoDiffable

and returntype = Void | ReturnType of t [@@deriving compare, hash, sexp]
and returntype = Void | ReturnType of t
[@@deriving compare, hash, sexp, equal]

let pp_autodifftype ppf = function
| DataOnly -> Fmt.string ppf "data "
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/stan_math_backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -309,6 +309,10 @@ type fun_defn =
; body: stmt list option }
[@@deriving make, sexp]

let split_fun_decl_defn (fn : fun_defn) =
( {fn with body= None}
, {fn with templates_init= (fst fn.templates_init, false)} )

type constructor =
{ args: (type_ * string) list
; init_list: (identifier * expr list) list
Expand Down
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions src/stan_math_backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,13 +41,19 @@ let functor_suffix = "_functor__"
let reduce_sum_functor_suffix = "_rsfunctor__"
let variadic_functor_suffix x = sprintf "_variadic%d_functor__" x

let functor_suffix_select hof =
type variadic = FixedArgs | ReduceSum | VariadicHOF of int
[@@deriving compare, hash]

let functor_type hof =
match Hashtbl.find Stan_math_signatures.stan_math_variadic_signatures hof with
| Some {required_fn_args; _} ->
variadic_functor_suffix (List.length required_fn_args)
| None when Stan_math_signatures.is_reduce_sum_fn hof ->
| None -> functor_suffix
| Some {required_fn_args; _} -> VariadicHOF (List.length required_fn_args)
| None when Stan_math_signatures.is_reduce_sum_fn hof -> ReduceSum
| None -> FixedArgs

let functor_suffix_select = function
| VariadicHOF n -> variadic_functor_suffix n
| ReduceSum -> reduce_sum_functor_suffix
| FixedArgs -> functor_suffix

(* retun true if the type of the expression
is integer, real, or complex (e.g. not a container) *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,7 +298,9 @@ and lower_functionals fname suffix es mem_pattern =
( StanLib
(name ^ functor_suffix_select fname, FnPlain, mem_pattern)
( name ^ functor_suffix_select (functor_type fname)
, FnPlain
, mem_pattern )
, [] ) }
| e -> e in
let converted_es = ~f:convert_hof_vars es in
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