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CmdStanPy 1.0.2

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@WardBrian WardBrian released this 28 Jun 18:39
· 377 commits to develop since this release

CmdStanPy 1.0.2

  • CmdStanPy can now format (and canonicalize) your Stan files with CmdStanModel.format()
  • Stan variables can now be accessed from fit objects using the . syntax when no naming conflicts occur. For example, previous code fit.stan_variable("my_cool_variable") can now be written fit.my_cool_variable
  • CmdStanPy is more robust to running in threaded environments and tries harder to not overwrite its own output files
  • The install_cmdstan script can now be run in interactive mode using --interactive/-i
  • CmdStanPy now computes some diagnostics after running HMC and will warn you about post-warmup divergences and treedepth exceptions
  • Runtime exceptions in the generated quantities block should be recognized better now.
  • The default level of precision to fit.summary() is now 6, as it is when stansummary is used from the command line.\
  • Various documentation improvements