Releases: srvance/ember-cli-build-config-editor
Releases · srvance/ember-cli-build-config-editor
The Widening Circle
- Fix to external config for addons thanks to @synaptiko.
- Use identifiers instead of literals when possible for new configuration keys.
Adding on for Addons
This adds support for Ember addons.
Embracing Complexity
Now handles simple non-inline configuration in which the configuration is defined in the object expression that initializes the variable in the same scope.
Avoiding Complexity
Handle more complex config situations more gracefully.
What's in a name?
v0.3.0 Update package version.
Look Before You Leap
Added new feature allowing you to retrieve the configuration.
We Don't Need No Fargin' Files!
Add the addon entry point to the package files.
Add .editorconfig
Readding Addon
Make this work with the ember-addon
Generate, Schmenerate!
Removed the ember-addon
keyword, as it was confusing ember generate
And Then Some
Doc updates.
CI, Greenkeeper, and DavidDM.
Bug fixes matching config and property keys that are identifiers.