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@sqla-tester sqla-tester released this 26 Oct 15:10
· 125 commits to main since this release


Released: October 26, 2023


  • [usecase] Alembic now accommodates for Sequence and Identity that support dialect kwargs.
    This is a change that will be added to SQLAlchemy v2.1.

    References: #1304


  • [bug] [autogenerate] [regression] Fixed regression caused by #879 released in 1.7.0 where the
    ".info" dictionary of Table would not render in autogenerate create
    table statements. This can be useful for custom create table DDL rendering
    schemes so it is restored.

    References: #1329

  • [bug] [typing] Improved typing in the
    callable to better indicate that the passed-in type is
    MigrationScript, not the MigrationOperation base class,
    and added typing to the example at cookbook_no_empty_migrations to

    References: #1325

  • [bug] [operations] Repaired ExecuteSQLOp so that it can participate in "diff"
    operations; while this object is typically not present in a reflected
    operation stream, custom hooks may be adding this construct where it needs
    to have the correct to_diff_tuple() method. Pull request courtesy
    Sebastian Bayer.

    References: #1335

  • [bug] [typing] Improved the op.execute() method to correctly accept the
    Executable type that is the same which is used in SQLAlchemy
    Connection.execute(). Pull request courtesy Mihail Milushev.

    References: #1058, #1277

  • [bug] [typing] Improve typing of the revision parameter in various command functions.

    References: #930

  • [bug] [typing] Properly type the Operations.create_check_constraint.condition
    parameter of Operations.create_check_constraint() to accept boolean

    References: #1266

  • [bug] [postgresql] Fixed autogen render issue where expressions inside of indexes for PG need
    to be double-parenthesized, meaning a single parens must be present within
    the generated text() construct.

    References: #1322