Mimetypes for Crystal.
Add it to shard.yml
github: spalger/crystal-mime
version: ~> 0.1
require "mime"
This simple module maps mime-types and extensions. Read the map using either the from_ext
or to_ext
Read the mime-type for an extension. Returns tye mime-type as a string, or nil
if the extension is unknown.
require "mime"
Mime.from_ext("jpg") # "image/jpeg"
Mime.from_ext("js") # "application/javascript"
Mime.from_ext("jssssss") # nil
Read the first extension registered for a mime-type. Returns the extension as a string or nil
is the mime-type is unknown.
require "mime"
Mime.to_ext("image/jpeg") # "jpeg"
Mime.to_ext("application/javascript") # "js"
Type files are pulled from the node-mime project. To update the types.json file run
make update_types
- Fork it ( https://github.com/spalger/crystal-mime/fork )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- spalger Spencer Alger - creator, maintainer