Organize your thoughts and ideas, plan a big event, simplify planning important moments in your life with the Notify app. Start taking notes on your phone with Notify. Simple, colorful and fast.
Platform: | Android | iOS |
Support: | ✓ | ✓ |
- Create, update and delete notes 📝
- Colorful notes that change their color 🌈
- Search your notes by title 🔍
- Supported languajes: en, pl 🔠
- equatable
- flutter_bloc
- flutter_staggered_grid_view
- intl
- json_annotation
- sqflite
- uuid
- You can download the Notify official APK by clicking here
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Git must be installed on your operating system.
To run Notify locally, install the fllowing tools and run those commands on your git bash and terminal:
Linux and macOS:
sudo git clone
git clone
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter run
This project contains an GPL-3.0 license.
Notify, 23 August 2022
Notify Copyright (C) 2022 Josue Fischer
The Notify App has no warranty for any platform,
everyone is permitted to distribute the Notify application,
but change, copy or modify the Notify source code it is not allowed,
you can´t distribute a Notify copy or a Notify modifycated application,
you can only do that for personal testing use, but not for commercial use.