Releases: solidusio/solidus_auth_devise
What's Changed
- Adapt to new Solidus default branch name by @waiting-for-dev in #245
- Ensure the admin sign in root path fallback is '/admin' by @elia in #246
- Adapt to the new default branch name of
by @waiting-for-dev in #247 - Fix failing spec for admin logout by @rainerdema in #249
- [Rails 7.1] Add empty :new action to Spree::UsersController by @mamhoff in #250
New Contributors
- @rainerdema made their first contribution in #249
- @mamhoff made their first contribution in #250
Full Changelog: v2.5.8...v2.5.9
What's Changed
- Fix the standard generator alias and remove interactivity from seeds by @elia in #233
- Notify CI failures on Slack by @waiting-for-dev in #235
- Fix CI on Solidus v3.1 by explicitly fetching solidus_frontend from GH by @waiting-for-dev in #241
- Remove Slack notifications for CI failures by @waiting-for-dev in #238
- Update CI configuration by @waiting-for-dev in #242
- Allow Solidus 4 by @kennyadsl in #243
- Migrate to the new release process by @kennyadsl in #244
Full Changelog: v2.5.6...v2.5.8
v2.5.7 (2022-10-31)
Merged pull requests:
What's Changed
- Fix build by @gsmendoza in #219
- Stop using try_spree_current_user by @elia in #221
- Fix keyword usage for Ruby 3.x support on specs by @jtapia in #226
- Update to use forked solidus_frontend when needed by @waiting-for-dev in #227
- Specs and setup process housekeeping by @elia in #222
- Fix locale inconsistence and remove redundant template by @bitberry-dev in #224
- Run the CI on all supported ruby versions by @elia in #229
- Update to the latest solidus_dev_support defaults by @elia in #220
- Utilize Devise location helpers for redirecting by @cpfergus1 in #228
New Contributors
- @gsmendoza made their first contribution in #219
- @bitberry-dev made their first contribution in #224
- @cpfergus1 made their first contribution in #228
Full Changelog: v2.5.4...v2.5.5
Solidus Auth Devise v2.2.0 (2019-06-13)
- Add DB index to
field - Add missing pessimistic versioning
- Add missing translation to
- Allow Spree::Admin::UserPasswordsController to be accessed from admin
- Disable backend footer profile edit link if role cannot edit users
- Fix issue with redirections using routes like
- Fix migration
method - Fix to not reuse spree_current_user as
- Replace Spree.t with I18n.t
- Lock mysql2 to 0.4.x
- Lock SQLite3 to version 1.3
- Remove FactoryBot warnings
- Configure CI to ensure support on ruby 2.3 + Solidus 2.4 - 2.8
Add call to set_current_order on sign in. This replaces a before filter that
is being eliminated from Solidus controllers where set_current_order was
called excessively. -
Update backend views to only reference backend routes (#57)
Devise dependency updates
The locked versions of Devise and Devise-Encryptable have been updated.
Devise, in particular, has been bumped to a new major version, which removes
support for the following:- Rails 3.2. and 4.0
- Ruby 1.9 and 2.0
These losses are deemed acceptable, as Solidus' core itself does not
support any of these versions.For more details on the changes, see the Devise changelog: changes in
, with details in the changelog: