I am a passionate senior software engineer with a strong background in microservice architecture and containerization, particularly using the Go programming language (GoLang) and TypeScript. My expertise includes implementing the twelve factors of apps, focusing on code guidelines, dependency management, configurability, service design, automation, integration management, containerization standards, testing, process engineering, error handling, and log tracing. I adhere to clean architecture principles and prioritize modularity, maintainability, and SOLID principles, following Agile SDLC methodology.
As a leader, I excel in driving high-performing teams through effective communication and clarity. I coordinate the development of infrastructure and code, project management, and meeting the project's requirements. I empower team members to take responsibility and align their actions with the project's visions and missions. To optimize self-awareness, I deploy tracking software.
My development approach emphasizes automation using git hooks, coding conventions, documentation, code generation, conventional commit messages, lint-ing, formatting, testing, vulnerability checking, static and dynamic code analysis, and container security best practices. I prioritize reconfigurability and provisioning of services and conduct thorough code reviews. My preferred development, running, and testing environment is docker-compose, ensuring the health check of each service.
To maintain project timelines, I carefully manage the number and timing of meetings and define issue labels and statuses. My meticulous approach ensures long-term project success.
Overall, I bring a wealth of technical expertise and leadership skills to my role as a senior software engineer, combining a focus on cutting-edge technologies with effective project management and team coordination.
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/cfw-tb ( ai, d1, cloudflare, create-cloudflare, grammy, gts, webhook, worker, wrangler, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/cloudflare-worker-with-lerna ( cloudflare, create-cloudflare, lerna, mono-repository, monorepo, worker, wrangler, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/cloudflare-workers-telegram-bot ( ai, cloudflare, d1, lerna, mono-repository, monorepo, telegraf, webhook, worker, wrangler, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/transactional-microservice-examples ( cloud, go, google, javascript, microservice, python, transactional, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/casbin-authz ( Bash Scripting, Casbin, Compose, Docker, E2E Testing, Envoy, gRPC Service, http Service, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/cdc-example ( Bash Scripting, CDC, DATA, Debezium, DevContainer, Docker, ETL, Redpanda - Kafka, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/custom-kubernetes-controller ( Kubernetes, OperatorFramework, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/dapr-sample ( DAPR, Microsoft, Serverless, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/fhir-example ( FHIR, HIS, HL7, Health, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/fip-go ( Automation, Bash Scripting, Buf Ecosystem, CI/CD, Casbin, CockroachDB, Code Generation, Commit Conversion, Compose, Compose, Custom Test Suite, DAPR, DB Migrate, DevContainer, DevContainer, Docker, E2E Testing, Envoy, Gateway, Git Hooks, GitHub Action, Gitlab CI, GoReleaser, GolangCI Lint, Grafana Dashboard Provisioning, Grafana K6, Grafana, Hexagonal Architecture, Integration Testing, Keto, Kratos, Loki, MVC Architecture, Mailslurper, Makefile, MariaDB, Materialize, Matomo, Microservice Architecture, Nginx, Oathkeeper, OpenTelemetry - Collector Instrumentation, Openmatch, PGAdmin4, Prometheus Alertmanager, Prometheus, Pyroscope, Redis, Redpanda - Kafka, Redpanda Console, Registry, Server, Swagger, Tempo, Unit Testing, VSCode, Vector, Version Control - Tag Tools, mono-repository, monorepo, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/go-routers-benchmark ( GO v1.22.0 Benchmark Testing, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/memcached-operator ( Kubernetes, OperatorFramework, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/migrate-to-github ( Bash Scripting, DevContainer, GitHub Action, GoReleaser, VSCode, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/nakama-module-go ( Game, Git Hooks, Grafana, Loki, Makefile, Materialize, Module, Nakama, OpenTelemetry - Collector Instrumentation, PGAdmin4, Prometheus, Redpanda - Kafka, Tempo, Vector, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/build_script_example
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/c_dependency_example
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/docker_class
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/fip ( Compose, DB Migrate, DevContainer, Docker, Git Hooks, Gitlab CI, Microservice Architecture, VSCode, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/k8s_api_gateway_proxy_mesh_test
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/profiled_guided_opimization_example
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/simple_blockchain
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/syscall_example
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/vscode_remote_try_rust
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/wasm_pack_example
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/bazel_jest_nestjs ( Build System - Bazel, Elastic APM, Jest, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/fip-api ( Angular, Avro, Bash Scripting, Build System - Bazel DevSpace Tilt, Commit Conversion, Compose, Design Pattern - Factory, Dgraph, Docker, ELK - ElasticSearch Logstash Kibana, ESLint, Elastic APM, EventStore, Gitlab CI, Helm, Husky, JSON Web Key Sets - JWKS, JSON Web Token - JWT, Jest, Kafka - Schema Registry, Kubernetes, Lenses, Lint Staged, Microservice Architecture, MySQL, NPM, Prettier, Prometheus, Redis, Sentry, TypeORM, Unit Testing, VSCode, Yarn, mono-repository, monorepo, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/melo-api ( Angular, Avro, Bash Scripting, Build System - Bazel DevSpace Tilt, Commit Conversion, Compose, Design Pattern - Factory, Dgraph, Docker, ELK - ElasticSearch Logstash Kibana, ESLint, Elastic APM, EventStore, Gitlab CI, Helm, Husky, JSON Web Key Sets - JWKS, JSON Web Token - JWT, Jest, Kafka - Schema Registry, Kubernetes, Lenses, Lint Staged, Microservice Architecture, MySQL, NPM, Prettier, Prometheus, Redis, Sentry, TypeORM, Unit Testing, VSCode, Yarn, mono-repository, monorepo, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/nestjs-kafkajs-payload ( ESLint, KafkaJS, Module, Prettier, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/melo-bot-redux-observable ( Bash Scripting, Casbin, Compose, Docker, ESLint, GitHub Action, Husky, Jest, Lint Staged, MongoDB Memory Server, NPM, Prettier, Protobuf, Redux Observable, Redux, ServerSide, Unit Testing, VSCode, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/nakama-module-js ( Nakama Runtime, Yarn, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/kafka-protobuf-console ( Broker, Connect, KSqlDB, Kafka, Protobuf, Schema Registry, Zookeeper, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/nodejs-starter ( Babel, Compose, Docker, ESLint, ElasticSearch, Facebook Flow, Facebook Watch, GitHub Action, Grafana, Lint Staged, Prometheus, VSCode, )
- https://github.com/smhmayboudi/materialize-redpanda-vector ( CDC, DATA, ETL, Grafana, Jaeger, Materialize, Nakama, PGAdmin4, Redpanda - Kafka, Vector, )