Find synonyms in 15 different languages directly from your terminal.
Synonym is a small utility tool to find synonyms directly from the
command line.
It is using the
API to query for words.
List of supported languages:
en, fr, cs, el, es, da, de, hu, it, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk
You will need to generate an API key to use this script, you can do so
You can sign in with either Facebook or Google.
After the sign in process you will be redirected to your API key.
Then, store your API key in your .synonymrc
brew tap smallwat3r/scripts \
&& brew install synonym
To run synonym you will need to install jq
brew install jq # macos
sudo apt-get install jq # debian / ubuntu
git clone \
&& cd synonym && sudo make install
or (without cloning)
sudo wget \
-P /usr/local/bin && sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/synonym
You will need to create a .synonymrc config file in one of the locations below.
# Possible config file locations (by order of priority)
In this file, you need to input your API key, and you can choose a default language.
# .synonymrc example
# Default language
# List of languages supported:
# en, fr, cs, el, es, da, de, hu,
# it, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk
Note: if no language is set in .synonymrc, or specified in the parameters,
the default language will be fetched from the current OS ($LANGUAGE
). If not supported by the API, or null, it will be set as
default to en_US
You are now all set to run synonym in your terminal.
$ synonym -h
Usage: synonym [OPTION] WORD
Finds synonyms for a given word in a specified language.
Run synonym -i for more information.
-l LANG Finds all synonyms for this specific language.
Languages supported: en, fr, cs, el, es, da, de,
hu, it, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk
-h Show help message and exit.
-i Show more help information and exit.
-v Show program version number and exit.
$ synonym happy
blessed cheerful elated felicitous glad joyful prosperous well-chosen
blissful content euphoric fortunate golden joyous riant willing
bright contented felicitous glad halcyon laughing unhappy
$ synonym -l fr joyeux
agréable badin content éclatant étincelant hilarant plaisant ravi rieur
aise beau désopilant enchanté fun joie plaisir rayonnant satisfait
allègre brillant distrayant enjoué gai jovial radiant réjoui spirituel
amusant comblé divertissant ensoleillé guilleret jubilant radieux réjouissant
amusement comique drôle épanoui heureux lumineux rassasié riant
$ synonym -l it allegro
beato felice gaudioso giocoso gioviale lieto
contento gaio giocondo gioioso ilare raggiante