TDengineGUI is a useful and simple desktop manager for TDengine, compatible with Linux, windows, mac. It helps developer to observe and manipulate data easier when they use TDengine as their Alot big data platform.
- Link to TDengine, create and drop databases
- show tables and surpertables, select data.
- execute the SQL statements using a simple console.
Download latest exe package from release[or gitee in China].
Download latest dmg package from release.
Download latest AppImage package from release [or gitee in China].
# clone code
git clone
cd TDengineGUI
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve
npm run start
# Packaged application will generate in the dist folder
npm run build
- TDengineGUI reconds previous connections.
- You also could add a new server to manage by clicking the "新建连接" button and providing ip,port,username and password(root:taosdata).
- Drop a database.
- Create databases. Specific attributes refering tdengine document
- Delete a linked server.
- Select a database and enter main panel. You could click "切换" button to switch database.
- Click a table to query data.
- Query data by filtering the timestamp.
- Set data filter.
- A simple console to execute the SQL statements. SQL will execute on the current database by default, so you don't need to add the database name. But you can also operate on the other database by using "databaseName.tableName".
- Simplely display database properties. More features will be developed in the future.