This repository contains the software complementing the paper Extending Software Transactional Memory in Clojure with Side-Effects and Transaction Control presented at the 9th European Lisp Symposium.
The main contents is our extended version of Clojure 1.8, named eClojure, that extends the Software Transactional Memory (STM) of Clojure 1.8 in two directions. First support for synchronising side-effects using transactions is made possible through three events emitted: after-commit, on-abort, and on-commit. Second an implementation and extension of multiple transaction control methods pioneered by Haskell, retry and orElse, is provided.
For an in-depth description of these two sets of extensions see the above mentioned paper.
- eclojure_changes.clj: A small script that can manipulate files changed in eClojure 1.8.
- eclojure-1.8.0: The source code for eClojure 1.8 in addition to a suite of unit tests.
- overhead: The source code used to benchmark the overhead of our additions as documented in the paper.
- usability: The two implementations of the Santa Claus problem developed as part of the usability evaluation documented in the paper.
- presentation.pdf: The slides used for the presentation at the 9th European Lisp Symposium.
Clojure 1.8 is made available under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) version 1.0 from We have elected to use the same license for both our extensions to Clojure 1.8 and the scripts in this repository. A copy of the license is placed in the root of this repository in addition to being available from