Empty starting points for easy Sitefinity development including ports of HTML5Boilerplate project and Twitter Bootstrap.
Read the readme.md in each theme/framework folder for installation instructions.
- A Sitefinity optimized port of the Twitter Bootstrap project (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/).
- HTML5 ready, with ARIA role definition and fallback browser support through Modernizr
- Compatible with Bootstrap v3 responsive grid and Sitefinity's region editor (additional layout widgets included)
- Twitter Bootstrap is 'untouched' to allow for easy updating (NuGet/GitHub) or use with SASS port.
- Default template included.
- A Sitefinity optimized port of the Twitter Bootstrap project (https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/).
- HTML5 ready, with ARIA role definition and fallback browser support through Modernizr
- Compatible with Bootstrap responsive grid and Sitefinity's region editor (additional layout widgets included)
- Twitter Bootstrap is 'untouched' to allow for easy updating (NuGet/GitHub) or use with SASS port.
- Default template included.
- A Sitefinity optimized port of the HTML5 Boilerplate project [http://html5boilerplate.com]
- HTML5 ready, with ARIA role definition and fallback browser support through Modernizr
- Based on and compatible with the standard Sitefinity lay-out region editor.
- Cross browser CSS normalizations and vertical rhythm.
- Responsive design & mobile friendly with Sitefinity column support
- The latest compatible jQuery via Sitefinity.
- Support for .LESS and .CSS.
- Precomposed icons for the iPhone/iPad & Android devices.
- Internet Explorer 9 & 10 plus Windows 8 Metro pinning features.
The favicon.ico comes in 2 flavors. The default favicon.ico is 64x64 which is enhanced for IE9/IE10 sitepinning, an old 16x16 icon is included. All icons are included and referenced in the respective projects, the sitefinity-icons folder is just 'extra'.
- 7 Pre-built layout regions/widgets, compatible with Twitter Bootstrap v
and Sitefinity. - 9 Pre-built layout regions/widgets, compatible with Twitter Bootstrap v
and Sitefinity. - Sample Toolboxesconfig.config file to register the regions with your Sitefinity project.
Credits are due where credits go and special thanks to @stevemcniven, @rollerboy1 and @timw255. For comments or questions use Github or twitter @jbokkers
- jQuery: MIT/GPL license
- Modernizr: MIT/BSD license
- Normalize.css: Public Domain
- Twitter Bootstrap: Apache License 2.0
The Unlicense (aka: public domain)