Originally written by iczaaa, Gowut (Go Web UI Toolkit) is a full-featured, easy to use, platform independent Web UI Toolkit written in pure Go, no platform dependent native code is linked or called.
This site is for the Gowut source code and download hosting and for issue tracking.
For News, documentation and examples please visit the Gowut Home Page here:
To quickly install (or update to) the latest version, type: go get github.com/sinni800/gowut/gwu
To quickly test it and see it in action, run the following example applications (assuming you're in the root of your GOPATH):
- Showcase of Features. This one auto-opens itself in your default browser. go run src/github.com/sinni800/gowut/examples/showcase.go
- A single window example. This one auto-opens itself in your default browser. go run src/github.com/sinni800/gowut/examples/simple_demo.go
- Login window example with session management. go run src/github.com/sinni800/gowut/examples/login_demo.go Open the page http://localhost:3434/guitest/ in your browser to see it.
You can read the godoc of Gowut online here: http://godoc.org/github.com/sinni800/gowut
I forked this project because I wanted to add some stuff to it and share these additions. Pull requests and issues are welcome, of course!