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PFD - Partial Fraction Decomposition

Note: This package has been superseded by pfd-parallel.

We provide a massively parallel framework for partial fraction decomposition of rational functions based on the Singular/GPI-Space framework.

Our implementation is based on the approach described in the paper

Janko, Boehm, Marcel Wittmann, Zihao Wu, Yingxuan Xu, and Yang Zhang: IBP reduction coefficients made simple, JHEP 12 (2020) 054,

which has been implemened in Singular in the library pfd.lib.

Although applicable in general, it is aimed at the partial fraction decomposition of integration-by-parts coefficients in high energy physics.

Most of the parallelization code is an adapted version of the wait-all-first repository, implemented primarily by Lukas Ristau.

This project provides a function for applying the partial fraction decoposition function to a matrix of rational functions.

To get this project up and running, you need to compile Singular, GPI-Space, some of their dependencies and the project code itself.

For the various dependencies, it is recommended to create a file that exports the various install locations as environment variables. For this purpose, the following command may be run at a convenient location, after which the resulting file should be edited to specify two directory roots, one for purposes of compilation and one for installation of the code. While the first should typically be a fast local file system, the second must be accessible from all computation nodes to be used for running the system.

cat > env_vars_pfd.txt << "EOF"
export software_ROOT=<software-root>
# Some fast location in local system for hosting build directories,
# for example, something like /tmpbig/$USER/pfd or just $HOME/pfd if the user has a
# fast home directory.

export install_ROOT=<install-root>
# The install root is recommended to be some network (nfs) mountpoint, where
# each node of the cluster should be able to read from, for example
# something like /scratch/$USER/pfd

export compile_ROOT=$software_ROOT
# Optionally, this might be set to something like /dev/shm/$USER/pfd that
# stores files purely in memory, thus the contents of this
# location will be lost after reboot.  It can speed up the computation times, as
# all disk io becomes memory io.

# GPI-Space dependencies:
export BOOST_ROOT=$install_ROOT/boost
export Libssh2_ROOT=$install_ROOT/libssh
export Libssh2_BUILD_DIR=$compile_ROOT/libssh/build
export GASPI_ROOT=$install_ROOT/gpi2
export cpu_arch=$(getconf LONG_BIT)
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${GASPI_ROOT}/lib${cpu_arch}/pkgconfig"${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:+:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}}
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${Libssh2_ROOT}/lib/pkgconfig:${Libssh2_ROOT}/lib64/pkgconfig"${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:+:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}}

# GPI-Space:
export GPI_ROOT_DIR=$software_ROOT
export GPISPACE_REPO=$GPI_ROOT_DIR/gpispace/gpispace
export GPISPACE_BUILD_DIR=$compile_ROOT/gpispace/build
export GPISPACE_INSTALL_DIR=$install_ROOT/gpispace
export GPISpace_ROOT=$GPISPACE_INSTALL_DIR # expected by cmake
export GSPC_HOME=$GPISPACE_INSTALL_DIR # Set mostly for legacy reasons

# Singular:
export SING_ROOT=$software_ROOT/Singular
export DEP_LIBS=$install_ROOT/sing_dep_libs
export SINGULAR_INSTALL_DIR=$install_ROOT/Singular
export SINGULAR_BUILD_DIR=$compile_ROOT/Singular/build

# PFD:
export PFD_ROOT=$software_ROOT/pfd
export PFD_REPO=$PFD_ROOT/pfd
export PFD_INSTALL_DIR=$install_ROOT/pfd
export PFD_BUILD_DIR=$compile_ROOT/pfd/build
export PFD_INPUT_DIR=$PFD_ROOT/input
export PFD_OUTPUT_DIR=$PFD_ROOT/output

As it is currently structured, the user needs only fill in the <software-root> and the <install-root>, then all other veriables are set relative to these. The above structure can of course be altered to suite the compiler's setup, as long as the scripts in this REAME are altered accordingly, since they assume the directory structure. Once all the locations have been set correctly, the variables can easily be exported with the following call:

source env_vars_pfd.txt

Ensure that the compile and install roots exist:

mkdir -p $software_ROOT
mkdir -p $install_ROOT
mkdir -p $compile_ROOT


GPI-Space targets and has been successfully used on x86-64 Linux systems. Other architectures are not guaranteed to work properly at this point.

The virtual memory layer can be backed with either Ethernet, Infiniband or BeeOND.

GPI-Space supports multiple Linux distributions:

  • Centos 6
  • Centos 7
  • Centos 8
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Ensure that the GPI_ROOT_DIR exists:

mkdir -p $GPI_ROOT_DIR


Website Supported Versions
Boost >= 1.61, <= 1.63

Note, that Boost 1.61 is not compatible with OpenSSL >= 1.1, so it is recommended to use Boost 1.63, as follows:


mkdir boost && cd boost

git clone                                                         \
    --jobs $(nproc)                                               \
    --depth 1                                                     \
    --shallow-submodules                                          \
    --recursive                                                   \
    --branch boost-${boost_version}                               \                         \

cd boost
./ --prefix="${BOOST_ROOT}"
./b2                                                              \
  -j $(nproc)                                                     \
./b2                                                              \
  cflags="-fPIC -fno-gnu-unique"                                  \
  cxxflags="-fPIC -fno-gnu-unique"                                \
  link=static                                                     \
  variant=release                                                 \


Website Supported Versions
libssh2 >= 1.7

libssh2 is not built with the OpenSSL backend on all systems. Additionally, some versions available via package manager might not be compatible with OpenSSH's default settings. For those reasons, it is highly recommended to build libssh2 1.9 from scratch. Doing so is however straightforward thanks to CMake. As additional dependencies OpenSSL and Zlib are required (for this any package manager version should be sufficient). Also, unless Libssh2_ROOT is set to /usr, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be set (as in lines 2 and 3 below) in order for applications to find the correct one.


  • libssh2 1.7 is not compatible with OpenSSL >= 1.1.
  • libssh2 <= 1.8 is incompatible with the new default SSH-key format in OpenSSH >= 7.8.

mkdir libssh && cd libssh


git clone --jobs $(nproc)                                         \
          --depth 1                                               \
          --shallow-submodules                                    \
          --recursive                                             \
          --branch libssh2-${libssh2_version}                     \

cmake -D CRYPTO_BACKEND=OpenSSL                                   \
      -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release                                 \
      -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${Libssh2_ROOT}"                   \
      -D ENABLE_ZLIB_COMPRESSION=ON                               \
      -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON                                     \
      -B $Libssh2_BUILD_DIR                                       \
      -S libssh2

cmake --build $Libssh2_BUILD_DIR                                  \
      --target install                                            \
      -j $(nproc)


Website Supported Versions
GPI-2 1.3.2

If Infiniband support is required, the --with-ethernet option can be omitted.


Compiling GPI2 requires gawk. Please install this with a package manager, if not already present on the system.

mkdir gpi2 && cd gpi2

gpi2_version=1.3.2                                                \
 && git clone                                                     \
        --depth 1                                                 \
        --branch v${gpi2_version}                                 \                  \
        GPI-2                                                     \
 && cd GPI-2                                                      \
 && grep "^CC\s*=\s*gcc$" . -lR                                   \
    | xargs sed -i'' -e '/^CC\s*=\s*gcc$/d'                       \
 && ./ -p "${GASPI_ROOT}"                               \
                 --with-fortran=false                             \


Note that <install-prefix> should be set to the correct path in the script above.


The code listings in this document assume

  • ${GPISPACE_REPO} to be the directory storing the GPI-Space sources.
  • ${GPISPACE_BUILD_DIR} to be an empty directory to be used for building GPI-Space.
  • ${GPISPACE_INSTALL_DIR} to be a directory to install GPI-Space to. It is suggested to use a previously empty directory on a shared filesystem.
  • ${GPISPACE_TEST_DIR} to be an empty directory on a shared filesystem, which used when running the system tests.

Start by cloning gpi-space:

mkdir gpispace && cd gpispace
git clone                                                         \
    --depth 1                                                     \
    --branch v22.03                                               \                   \

Should you want to build the tests, run the following command. Note, the tests significantly increase build time, so an experienced user who has built gpi-space on a given machine before might opt not to run to define the build_tests variable.

export build_tests="-DBUILD_TESTING=on

To build GPI-Space, run

mkdir -p "${GPISPACE_BUILD_DIR}"

      -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release                                 \
      -B ${GPISPACE_BUILD_DIR}                                    \
      -S ${GPISPACE_REPO}                                         \

cmake --build ${GPISPACE_BUILD_DIR}                               \
      --target install                                            \
      -j $(nproc)


GPI-Space requires a working SSH environment with a password-less SSH-key when using the SSH RIF strategy. To ensure this, make sure when generating your ssh keypair to leave the password field empty.

Test GPI-Space


GPI-Space requires a working SSH environment with a password-less SSH-key when using the SSH RIF strategy, the default for most applications.

By default, ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa is used for authentication. If no such key exists,

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -f "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa"
ssh-copy-id -f -i "${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa" "${HOSTNAME}"

can be used to create and register one.

The following is a simple self test, that should be sufficient for most users.

# to test with multiple nodes, set GSPC_NODEFILE_FOR_TESTS
#   Slurm: export GSPC_NODEFILE_FOR_TESTS="$(generate_pbs_nodefile)"
#   export SWH_INSTALL_DIR=<a-shared-directory-visible-on-all-nodes>


If GPI-Space has been built with testing enabled, then ctest can be used to execute the unit- and system tests. It can be ommitted, but is recommended for first time installations.


export GPISPACE_TEST_DIR=$SHARED_DIRECTORY_FOR_TESTS # any empty test directoy should be good

hostname > nodefile
export GSPC_NODEFILE_FOR_TESTS="${PWD}/nodefile"
# or to test in a cluster allocation:
# Slurm: export GSPC_NODEFILE_FOR_TESTS="$(generate_pbs_nodefile)"

ctest --output-on-failure                                         \
      -j $(nproc)

Some of these tests take a long time (811 seconds on Intel i7), and there are 294 tests in the suite at the time of writing this document.


It is recommended to install the current version of Singular, which will be required by our framework. The version of Singular found in package manager does not generally work with the PFD project.

Besides flint, Singular has various more standard dependencies, which are usually available through the package manager of your distribution. Feel free to refer to the step-by-step instructions to build Singular for more details, taking note of the tools necessary to compile Singular under point 1.b.

This document gives a thorough guide for building the various dependencies and then finally Singular itself, all the while assuming the user does not have sudo/root privileges. This guide assumes that mpfr and gmp are installed by the package manager to /usr

Start by choosing a location where Singular can be cloned. This will be indicated by $SING_ROOT and compile the various dependencies

mkdir -p $SING_ROOT


The official guides for singular clones the latest development branch of flint. As flint is being actively developed and the APIs changed quite often, this has led to issues in the past. Therefore, it is rather recommended that a release version be downloaded and compiled instead. The newest release with which Singular can be built (at the time of writing) is version 2.6.3.

mkdir flint && cd flint
tar -xvf flint-2.6.3.tar.gz
cd flint-2.6.3
./configure --with-gmp=/usr --prefix=$DEP_LIBS --with-mpfr=/usr
make -j $(nproc)
make install


mkdir -p $compile_ROOT/4ti2/build

mkdir 4ti2 && cd 4ti2
tar xvfz 4ti2-1.6.tar.gz

pushd $compile_ROOT/4ti2/build

$SING_ROOT/4ti2/4ti2-1.6/configure --prefix=$DEP_LIBS
make -j $(nproc)
make install



mkdir -p $compile_ROOT/cddlib/build

mkdir cddlib && cd cddlib
tar -xvf cddlib-0.94j.tar.gz

pushd $compile_ROOT/cddlib/build

$SING_ROOT/cddlib/cddlib-0.94j/configure --prefix=$DEP_LIBS
make -j $(nproc)
make install



mkdir ntl && cd ntl
tar -xvf ntl-11.4.3.tar.gz
cd ntl-11.4.3/src # note the extra src
./configure PREFIX=$DEP_LIBS CXXFLAGS=-fPIC #notice PREFIX and CXXFLAGS is capitalized without dashes
make -j $(nproc)
make install

Compile Singular

Singular may now be compiled against the libraries compiled and installed above.

git clone                                                         \
    --depth 1                                                     \                      \

cd Sources


CPPFLAGS="-I$DEP_LIBS/include"                                    \
LDFLAGS="-L$DEP_LIBS/lib"                                         \
${SING_ROOT}/Sources/configure                                    \
    --prefix=${SINGULAR_INSTALL_DIR}                              \
    --with-flint=$DEP_LIBS                                        \
    --with-ntl=$DEP_LIBS                                          \
make -j $(nproc)
make install


Compile PFD

The PFD project can now be compiled and installed.

The following environment variables must be set:

  • ${GPISPACE_REPO} The path to the repository cloned from Github. This is needed for some cmake scripts, amongst other reasons.
  • ${GPISPACE_INSTALL_DIR} The install prefix used when compiling and installing gpi-space above.
  • ${SINGULAR_INSTALL_DIR} The install prefix used when compiling and installing Singular above.
  • ${PFD_REPO} The root of the cloned PFD project.
  • ${PFD_BUILD_DIR} The path of the build directory. It is recommended to build in a separate directory to the source code, preferably starting with an empty build directory.
  • ${PFD_INSTALL_DIR} The path to where the PFD project should be installed.
mkdir -p $PFD_ROOT && cd $PFD_ROOT

git clone                                                         \
    --depth 1                                                     \                  \

mkdir -p $PFD_BUILD_DIR
      -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release                \
      -D GPISPACE_REPO=$GPISPACE_REPO            \
      -D FLINT_HOME=$DEP_LIBS                    \
      -B ${PFD_BUILD_DIR}                        \
      -S ${PFD_REPO}

cmake --build ${PFD_BUILD_DIR}                   \
      --target install                           \
      -j $(nproc)

Example to run PFD

To run an example, we need a Singular script that loads the pfd_gspc.lib library. A gpi-space configure token needs to be prepared, with some important configuration: The path of a temporary directory, where files will be stored during the computation and handling of the various files at runtime, the location of a nodefile, containing a location on then network where gpi-space is installed, the number of processes each node should run in parallel, the address of a running instance of the gpi-space monitoring tool, as well as the port on which the monitoring tool is listening (Note, the program can be run without the monitoring tool, in which case the last two options should remain unset). Next, the ring in which the rational function's numerator and denominator is found is declared. The input of the system is in the form of files, identified by the row and column in a matrix where it must be found, in the form <basename>_<row>_<col>.(txt|ssi), where the suffix is txt if the file is in plain text format, and ssi if the input files are in this binary format implemented by singular. To specify the input files to be calculated, put the coordinates of the matrix entries to be calculated in a list of lists.

Finally, all this is provided to the parallel_pfd function as arguments, preferably with the optional argument for the path to where the input files are found. The user may also provide in a separate argument the path of where the output files should be written.

An example script test_parallel_pfd.sing in Singular for a 4 by 4 matrix might be

mkdir -p $PFD_ROOT/tempdir
hostname > $PFD_ROOT/nodefile
hostname > $PFD_ROOT/loghostfile

cat > test_parallel_pfd.sing.temp << "EOF"
LIB "pfd_gspc.lib";

// configuration for gpispace
configToken gspcconfig = configure_gspc();

gspcconfig.options.tempdir = "$PFD_ROOT/tempdir";
gspcconfig.options.nodefile = "$PFD_ROOT/nodefile";
gspcconfig.options.procspernode = 8;

// Should the user want to run withouth the gspc-monitor
// the following two lines may be commented out.
gspcconfig.options.loghostfile = "$PFD_ROOT/loghostfile";
gspcconfig.options.logport = 6439;

// configuration for the problem to be computed.
configToken pfdconfig = configure_pfd();
pfdconfig.options.filename = "fraction";
pfdconfig.options.inputdir = "$PFD_INPUT_DIR";
pfdconfig.options.outputdir = "$PFD_OUTPUT_DIR";
pfdconfig.fdconfigptions.algorithm = "fullyParallel";

ring r = 0, x, lp;

list entries = list( list(1, 1), list(1, 2), list(1, 3), list(1, 4)
                   , list(2, 1), list(2, 2), list(2, 3), list(2, 4)
                   , list(3, 1), list(3, 2), list(3, 3), list(3, 4)
                   , list(4, 1), list(4, 2), list(4, 3), list(4, 4)

parallel_pfd( entries
            , gspcconfig
            , pfdconfig

We want to expand the environment variables in the script above, so create a hacky script for this purpose:

cat > << "EOF"
echo 'cat <<END_OF_TEXT' >
cat "$1"                 >>
echo 'END_OF_TEXT'       >>
bash >> "$2"

chmod a+x
./ test_parallel_pfd.sing.temp test_parallel_pfd.sing

Next, if you wish to start a monitor, this may be done with the following script:

cat > << "EOF"

set -euo pipefail

# raster or native (native for X forwarding)
QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=0                                                \
        QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=native                                  \
        $PFD_INSTALL_DIR/libexec/bundle/gpispace/bin/gspc-monitor \
        --port 6439 &

chmod a+x

It may simply be run as


Ensure that the --port number matches the one set in the singular script. Also, if this is run over ssh on a remote machine, make sure that x forwarding is enabled.

Create the input files:

mkdir -p $PFD_INPUT_DIR
mkdir -p $PFD_OUTPUT_DIR
for r in {1..4}
  for c in {1..4}
    echo "x/(x*(x+1))" > fraction_"$r"_"$c".txt

Finally, the test may be run with the script

cat > << "EOF"
SINGULARPATH="$PFD_INSTALL_DIR/LIB"                               \
        $SINGULAR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/Singular                        \
chmod a+x

which can be started with


To run more an example with real PFD data, some data is provided as ssi ("simple Singular interface") files under example_data/ssi, which can be decomposed with the Singular script real_pfd.sing:

mkdir -p $PFD_ROOT/tempdir
echo $(hostname) > $PFD_ROOT/nodefile

cat > real_pfd.sing.temp << "EOF"
LIB "pfd_gspc.lib";

// configuration for gpispace
configToken gspcconfig = configure_gspc();

gspcconfig.options.tempdir = "$PFD_ROOT/tempdir";
gspcconfig.options.nodefile = "$PFD_ROOT/nodefile";
gspcconfig.options.procspernode = 8;

// Should the user want to run withouth the gspc-monitor
// the following two lines may be commented out.
gspcconfig.options.loghostfile = "$PFD_ROOT/loghostfile";
gspcconfig.options.logport = 6439;

// configuration for the problem to be computed.
configToken pfdconfig = configure_pfd();
pfdconfig.options.filename = "xb_deg5";
pfdconfig.options.inputdir = "$PFD_REPO/example_data/ssi";
pfdconfig.options.outputdir = "$PFD_OUTPUT_DIR";
pfdconfig.fdconfigptions.algorithm = "fullyParallel";

ring r = 0, x, lp;

list l = list( list(1, 1), list(1, 2), list(1, 3), list(1, 4)
             , list(1, 5), list(1, 6), list(1, 7), list(1, 8)
             , list(1, 9), list(1, 10)
parallel_pfd( l
            , gspcconfig
            , pfdconfig
./ real_pfd.sing.temp real_pfd.sing

To run the Singular Script, the following bash script may be used:

cat > << "EOF"
SINGULARPATH="$PFD_INSTALL_DIR/LIB"                               \
        $SINGULAR_INSTALL_DIR/bin/Singular                        \
chmod a+x

It can now be started with


Note, to run the same computation, but without the internal parallelism on each entry, the algorithm field in the pfdconfig tokens options field may be changed to waitAll.

Appendix: Standard packages required to build the framework

Assuming that we are installing on a Ubuntu system (analogous packages exist in other distributions), we give installation instructions for standard packages which are required by the framework and may not be included in your of-the-shelf installation.

Note that the following requires root privileges. If you do not have root access, ask your administator to install these packages. You may want to check with dpkg -l <package name> whether the package is installed already.

  • Version control system Git used for downloading sources:

    sudo apt-get install git
  • Tools necessary for compiling the packages:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential
    sudo apt-get install autoconf
    sudo apt-get install autogen
    sudo apt-get install libtool
    sudo apt-get install libreadline6-dev
    sudo apt-get install libglpk-dev
    sudo apt-get install cmake
    sudo apt-get install gawk

    Or everything in one command:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf autogen libtool libreadline6-dev libglpk-dev cmake gawk
  • Scientific libraries used by Singular:

    sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev
    sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev
    sudo apt-get install libcdd-dev
    sudo apt-get install libntl-dev

    Or everything in one command:

    sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libcdd-dev libntl-dev

    Note, in the above guide, we only assume libmpfr and libgmp is installed, and libcdd and libntl is built locally from sources.

  • Library required by to build libssh:

    sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
  • Libraries required by GPI-Space

    sudo apt-get install openssh-server
    sudo apt-get install hwloc
    sudo apt-get install libhwloc-dev
    sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
    sudo apt-get install qt5-default
    sudo apt-get install chrpath

    Or everything in one command:

    sudo apt-get install openssh-server hwloc libhwloc-dev libudev-dev qt5-default chrpath


massively parallel partial fraction decomposition







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