Haskell bindings for OpenDHT (based on opendht-c, the C bindings for OpenDHT) exposing only pure Haskell data types.
This library defines a monad taking care of all pointers used to interact with opendht-c.
module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BSI
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Concurrent
import OpenDHT.Value
import OpenDHT.InfoHash
import OpenDHT.PublicKey
import OpenDHT.DhtRunner ( runDhtRunnerM
import qualified OpenDHT.DhtRunner as DhtRunner
getCb :: Value -> IO Bool
getCb v = valueCb v False
doneCb :: MVar () -> Bool -> IO ()
doneCb mv success = do
let status
| success = "Success!"
| otherwise = "Fail!"
putStrLn status
putMVar mv ()
valueCb :: Value -> Bool -> IO Bool
valueCb (MetaValue {}) _ = undefined
valueCb (InputValue {}) _ = undefined
valueCb (StoredValue _ _ (PublicKey {}) _ _) _ = undefined
valueCb (StoredValue d i (ExportedKey o) rId utype) expired = liftIO cb >> return True
ownerStr = if null o then "none" else take 50 o
dString = map BSI.w2c (BS.unpack d)
cb = do
putStrLn $ "Value " <> if expired then "expired!" else "received!"
putStrLn $ ">> data: " <> take 50 dString
putStrLn $ ">> value id: " <> show i
putStrLn $ ">> value owner: " <> ownerStr
putStrLn $ ">> recipient id: " <> show rId
putStrLn $ ">> user type: " <> show utype
shutdownCb :: IO ()
shutdownCb = do
putStrLn "Shutting down!"
main :: IO ()
main = do
mv <- newEmptyMVar
runDhtRunnerM shutdownCb $ do
DhtRunner.run 0
DhtRunner.bootstrap "bootstrap.ring.cx" "4222"
h <- lift randomInfoHash
dataStr = "my data"
v = InputValue { _valueData = BSC.pack dataStr
, _valueUserType = "mytype"
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Putting value " <> show dataStr
void $ DhtRunner.put h v (doneCb mv) False
liftIO $ takeMVar mv
liftIO $ putStrLn "Getting back the value..."
DhtRunner.get h getCb (doneCb mv)
liftIO $ takeMVar mv
This would yield the following text on stdout
Putting value "my data"
Getting back the value...
Value received!
>> data: my data
>> value id: 11921635044826781238
>> value owner: none
>> recipient id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
>> user type: "mytype"
Shutting down!
Make sure to pass -threaded
to GHC because this library makes use of
OpenDHT's C bindings.
Simon Désaulniers ([email protected])