Releases: shuLhan/beku
Refactoring test to clone from local directory
Get and save package remote branch in database
Some package does not have "master" branch. This will minimize parsing
and filter operation to get default branch before checking out revision. -
Scan package only if its not exist on local system.
This will minimize freeze operations, removing unneeded fetching revision
(tag/commit) and parsing remote URL. -
Move all commons functions to shared package
Bug Fixes
cmd/beku: fix parsing multiple subcommand on Sync
Sync operation should accept both update and no dependency options in one
line as in "-Sud". -
Scan: Update package version only if current and new package both are tag
env: fix get package from database that return first match by prefix
In case two packages have the same prefix, for example "a" and "a-a",
the GetPackageFromDB will always return "a" when the parameter importPath
is "a-a". -
Fix sync "--into" command
Breaking Changes
- Remove vendor tools: gdm and govendor
govendor [1], cannot handle transitive dependencies (error when building
Turn out gdm [2] is not vendor tool, its use GOPATH the same as beku. Using
will result in inconsistent build if two or more package depends on the
same dependency. For example, package A and B depends on X, package A
depends on X v0.4.0 and package B depends on X v0.5.0, while our repository
is depends on X v0.6.0. Running beku with the following order: beku
on X,
on A, and then gdm
on B, will result in package X will be set to
v0.5.0, not v0.6.0.
- Do not use "git stash" in pre and post version checking. Using "git stash"
introduce many problems when rebuilding package after update.
- Add newline on each freeze commands and on each package when doing reinstall
all. - Add option "--version", to display current command version.
Beku v0.3.0 (2018-05-06)
New Features
- Use vendor tools to install dependencies. The following vendor tools is
known by beku: gdm, govendor, dep. - Add option "-d" or "--nodeps" to disable installing dependencies
- Add common option "-V, --vendor" to work with vendor directory
- Able to install missing dependencies
- Handle custom import URL
Bug Fixes
- Fix panic if package not found in database
- Clean non-empty directory on installation, after confirmed by user
- Save database on first time sync
New Features
- Add operation to exclude package from database
- Add option "--noconfirm" to by pass confirmation
Bug Fixes
- Fetch new package commits before updating version
- Fix scan on non-exist "$GOPATH/src" directory
- package: GoInstall: set default PATH if it's empty
In this version, beku can handle the following operations,
- Scanning and saving all dependencies in GOPATH (-S)
- Installing a package (-S )
- Updating a package (-S )
- Removing a package with or without dependencies (-R[-s] )
- Updating all packages in database (-Su)
- Freezing all packages (-B)