This repo contains programs to run a 2-player tic-tac-toe game. It will contain a game server program as well as a game client program. The clients will be able to play eachother over the network through the server.
Git Primary Repo:
Team Member Roles:
- Shevis Johnson: develop entire program
Application Layer Protocol:
This game uses TCP to pass information between server and client.
First player to connect goes first
pass moves as strings that represent the current board state
- handles keyborad input from the user.
- recieves responses from the server and displays them
- listens for client connections and creates a ClientHandler for each new client
- recieves messages from a client and relays it to the other clients.
$ cd game
$ javac *.java
Then, open two additional command line windows in the same directory (a total of three) and run the following in the first:
$ java GameServer
In each of the other windows, run the following:
$ java GameClient
The server window should output the following:
Waiting for player connections on port 7654.
Player 1 connected successfully.
Player 2 connected successfully.
Game running...
At which point the game can begin.