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A rich developer experience for deploying containers to AWS Lambda and AWS ECS Fargate – without rearchitecting.


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Serverless Container Framework

One solution to deploy serverless workloads everywhere - Serverless Container Framework (SCF) is a unified development and deployment experience for containers on serverless platforms.

In this initial release, SCF focuses on delivering an API architecture that leverages AWS Application Load Balancer for request routing, allowing developers to freely mix and transition between AWS Lambda and AWS ECS Fargate compute options, accompanied by a rich development experience.

This repo contains examples and other educational content on SCF. The code for SCF ships within the Serverless Framework.


Unified Container Development & Deployment

  • Deploy seamlessly to AWS Lambda and ECS Fargate via a single workflow (and more providers soon)
  • Mix Lambda and Fargate compute within a single API
  • Switch compute platforms instantly without code rewrites or downtime
  • Optimize container builds automatically for each compute service
  • Write Node.js and Python apps naturally - No Dockerfiles needed
  • Get production-ready infrastructure in seconds with automated VPC, networking & ALB setup

Rich Development Experience

  • Develop Lambda and Fargate containers rapidly with true local emulation
  • Route and simulate AWS ALB requests via localhost
  • Accelerate development with instant hot reloading
  • Inject live AWS IAM roles into your containers
  • Enjoy an elegant logging and debugging experience

Production-Ready Features

  • Smart code/config change detection for deployments
  • Supports one or multiple custom domains on the same API
  • Automatic SSL certificate management
  • Secure AWS IAM and network defaults
  • Load environment variables from .env, AWS Secrets Manager, AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, HashiCorp Vault, HashiCorp Terraform state, and more via Serverless Framework Variables
  • Multi-cloud support coming soon


Serverless Container Framework offers simple YAML to deliver complex architectures via a serverless.containers.yml file. Here is a simple example of a full-stack application.

To see the full list of configuration options, see the Configuration Docs.

namespace: acmeinc

  type: [email protected]

  # Web (Frontend)
    src: ./web
      pathPattern: /*
      type: awsLambda
  # API (Backend)
    src: ./api
      pathPattern: /api/*
      pathHealthCheck: /health
      type: awsFargateEcs
        memory: 4096
        cpu: 1024
        HELLO: world
          Version: "2012-10-17"
            - Effect: Allow
                - dynamodb:GetItem
                - "*"

Quick Start


  • Node.js 20.x or later
  • AWS Account with administrative access
  • Docker installed and running

Installation & Setup

  1. Install the Serverless Framework CLI globally:
npm install -g serverless
  1. Configure your AWS credentials using one of these methods:
# Option 1: AWS CLI (recommended)
aws configure

# Option 2: Environment variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your-key-id
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your-access-key
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=your-session-token

Getting Started

  1. Start with an example project by cloning the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the example project directory, and install any dependencies:
cd example-express/service
npm install


Ensure you are within the directory containing the serverless.containers.yml file.

cd example-express

Start the local development environment:

serverless dev

This starts a local emulation of AWS Application Load Balancer at http://localhost:3000. This will forward requests to your containers. Logs, requests and more from your containers will be available in the terminal. Your containers will auto-reload or rebuild on code changes.


Deploy to AWS:

serverless deploy

The initial deployment creates AWS resources (ALB, VPC, etc.) and takes ~5-10 minutes. Subsequent deploys are faster.


Remove your deployment:

# Remove application only
serverless remove

# Remove all AWS resources including VPC
serverless remove --force


  • Ensure Docker daemon is running for local development
  • Check AWS credentials are properly configured using aws sts get-caller-identity
  • View detailed logs with serverless dev --debug or serverless deploy --debug


Check out the Documentation for information on getting started, development, deployment, and more.

Serverless Container Framework FAQ

How does SCF differ from Serverless Framework?

Here's the concise FAQ in markdown format:

Serverless Container Framework FAQ

How does SCF differ from Serverless Framework?

Serverless Framework specializes in AWS Lambda deployments, while Serverless Container Framework (SCF) focuses on container-based deployments. Key SCF advantages:

  • Multi-cloud deployment without provider-specific expertise
  • Unified development and deployment workflow
  • Container portability without code changes
  • Integration with existing container tools

Why was SCF created?

SCF addresses specific needs:

  • Migration path for high-volume AWS Lambda functions
  • Better enterprise integration through container standards
  • Leveraging improved container support in AWS Lambda
  • Bridging the gap between serverless and traditional container workflows

What are the pricing details?

  • Free for developers and organizations with <$2M annual revenue
  • For larger organizations: 1 credit per deployed container/month
  • Containers deployed <10 days/month incur no charges
  • No charges for:
    • Individual users
    • Usage (requests/compute)
    • CLI actions
  • Check out our pricing page for more details.

How does SCF compare to other container tools?

While tools like Terraform and Pulumi offer container deployment capabilities, SCF provides a more comprehensive developer experience:

  • Local cloud environment emulation
  • ALB-compatible local API
  • Real-time log streaming
  • Hot module reloading
  • Zero-downtime switching between Lambda and ECS Fargate

What are the limitations?

Compared to AWS Lambda:

  • Longer deployment times due to:
    • Larger container images
    • Additional AWS Fargate infrastructure setup
  • 1MB payload limit for requests/responses (including headers) when using ALB

Compared to other container tools:

  • Newer platform still evolving, though offering superior developer experience