- I live in the Netherlands and work at Miro
- Most of the experience is Java backend development and maintenance, last years dedicated to build tooling and Developer Productivity Engineering
- Also, I contribute to open source, write articles and do public speaking
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- Simple release management with git rus
- Refactoring legacy-project to Dependency Injection. Sith's way rus
- CharSequence magic rus
- Obtaining Method from Method Reference rus
- Extension methods in Java rus
- Fluent setter: breaking the convention eng
- Obtaining generic type at runtime rus
- Speed Up Your Maven Build x10… Before You Move to Gradle rus
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- Speed Up Your Maven Build x10… Before You Move to Gradle DPE Summit 2024 (hosted by Gradle Inc.)
- Speed Up Your Maven Build x10… Before You Move to Gradle JUG Amsterdam Meetup (hosted by Miro)
- Speed Up Your Maven Build x10… Before You Move to Gradle VoxxedDays Amsterdam 2025 (upcoming 2025)
- Speed Up Your Maven Build x10… Before You Move to Gradle Devoxx Greece 2025 (upcoming 2025)
- Improving Spring Boot tests efficiency YouTube (hosted by AtomicJar/TestContainers)
- Improving Spring Boot tests efficiency JUG Amsterdam Meetup (hosted by Adyen)
- Discussing monorepos BuildPropulsionLab (hosted by Gradle Inc.)
- Fluent Setters in Java JugRu Meetup (hosted by JugRu/Miro)
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- spring-test-smart-context - Improving Spring Boot test efficiency (available on Maven Central)
- rest-api-framework - build REST API with powerful testing based on Spring Boot
- maven-surefire-cached - Maven surefire/failsafe plugins supporting build caching
- jvm-arch-maven-plugin - Ensure JVM arch vs CPU arch (available on Maven Central)
- hamcrest-more-matchers - additional Hamcrest matchers to verify collection order and extracted values (available on Maven Central)
- morejdbc - helpers to call Oracle stored procedures/functions (available on Maven Central)
- reactive-cassandra - extensions for reactive-style (a.k.a. Promise) Futures for cassandra driver 2.x
- binaryxml - own lightweight binary xml serialization library
- miro-app-oauth - sample OAuth application for Miro
- Morph3D Screen Saver - Screen Saver for Windows, it was very popular in the 2000s
- All personal repositories