While working with DNS you always need the dig tool. Installing dig in various linux is always different. The containing package name is:
- debian/ubuntu: dnsutils
- centos: bind-utils
- alpine: n/a
This repo aims 2 target:
- Statically compiled single binary version, to make installation a simple download
- Create an alpine linux package for dig
To achive this goal 4 components are used:
- Alpine linux: as it targets static compilation with musl libc
- Docker: the easiest way to have a reproducible automated build process
- CircleCI: They provide free continous build env, with docker capability
- Github Releases: the final artifact will be stored as a versioned Github Release
The one-liner install for all 64 bit linux:
curl -L https://github.com/sequenceiq/docker-alpine-dig/releases/download/v9.10.2/dig.tgz|tar -xzv -C /usr/local/bin/
It's just scratching my own itch: to learn how to create an Alpine linux package. It will only happen if I can fit it into a couple of hours effort ...