This Kubernetes Operator is made to easily deploy SeaweedFS onto your Kubernetes cluster.
The difference to seaweedfs-csi-driver is that the infrastructure (SeaweedFS) itself runs on Kubernetes as well (Master, Filer, Volume-Servers) and can as such easily scale with it as you need. It is also by far more resilent to failures then a simple systemD service in regards to handling crashing services or accidental deletes.
By using make deploy
it will deploy a Resource of type 'Seaweed' onto your current kubectl $KUBECONFIG target (the operator itself) which by default will do nothing unless you configurate it (see examples in config/samples/).
- Automatically deploy and manage a SeaweedFS cluster
- Ability to be managed by other Operators
- Compability with seaweedfs-csi-driver
- Auto rolling upgrade and restart
- Ingress for volume server, filer and S3, to support HDFS, REST filer, S3 API and cross-cluster replication
- Support all major cloud Kubernetes: AWS, Google, Azure
- Scheduled backup to cloud storage: S3, Google Cloud Storage , Azure
- Put warm data to cloud storage tier: S3, Google Cloud Storage , Azure
- Grafana dashboard
This operator uses kustomize
for deployment. Please install kustomize if you do not have it.
By default, the defaulting and validation webhooks are disabled. We strongly recommend to enable the webhooks.
First clone the repository:
git clone --depth=1
To deploy the operator with webhooks enabled, make sure you have installed the cert-manager
(Installation docs: in your cluster, then follow the instructions in the config/default/kustomization.yaml
file to uncomment the components you need.
Lastly, change the value of ENABLE_WEBHOOKS
to "true"
in config/manager/manager.yaml
Manager image must be locally built and published into a registry accessible from your k8s cluster:
export IMG=<registry/image>
make docker-build
make docker-push
Afterwards fire up to install CRDs:
make install
Then run the command to deploy the operator into your cluster using Kustomize or Helm:
# if using Kustomize
make deploy
# if using Helm
helm install seaweedfs-operator ./deploy/helm
Verify it was correctly deployed:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
Which may return:
kube-system coredns-f9fd979d6-68p4c 1/1 Running 0 34m
kube-system coredns-f9fd979d6-x992t 1/1 Running 0 34m
kube-system etcd-kind-control-plane 1/1 Running 0 34m
kube-system kindnet-rp7wr 1/1 Running 0 34m
kube-system kube-apiserver-kind-control-plane 1/1 Running 0 34m
kube-system kube-controller-manager-kind-control-plane 1/1 Running 0 34m
kube-system kube-proxy-dqfg2 1/1 Running 0 34m
kube-system kube-scheduler-kind-control-plane 1/1 Running 0 34m
local-path-storage local-path-provisioner-78776bfc44-7zvxx 1/1 Running 0 34m
seaweedfs-operator-system seaweedfs-operator-controller-manager-54cc768f4c-cwz2k 2/2 Running 0 34m
See the next section for example usage - at this point you only deployed the Operator itself!
- Please send us your use-cases / example configs ... this is currently empty (needs to be written)
- For now see:
kind: Seaweed
name: seaweed1
namespace: default
# Add fields here
image: chrislusf/seaweedfs:latest
volumeServerDiskCount: 1
replicas: 3
volumeSizeLimitMB: 1024
replicas: 1
storage: 2Gi
replicas: 2
config: |
enabled = true
dir = "/data/filerldb2"
Follow the instructions in
# install and prepare kind-cluster for development
make kind-prepare
# build the operator image and load the image into Kind cluster
make kind-load
# deploy operator and CRDs
make deploy
# install example of CR
kubectl apply -f config/samples/seaweed_v1_seaweed.yaml
# rebuild and re-upload image to the kind
make kind-load
# redeploy operator and CRDs
make redeploy
# register the CRD with the Kubernetes cluster
make install
# run the operator locally outside the Kubernetes cluster
make run ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=false
# From another terminal in the same directory
kubectl apply -f config/samples/seaweed_v1_seaweed.yaml