The files here represent my current VS Code configuration for use with Calva, Joyride, and clojure-lsp.
Note: Some of the code here may well assume you are using the latest version of Calva and Joyride -- I tend to update my extensions regularly and also update my configuration to take advantage of new features. Specifically, the Joyride code here depends on the
API in Calva, 2.0.401 or later!
is my cross-platform key mappings (warning: I've customized Copilot and LiveShare key bindings, amongst others!),settings.json
is my user-level settings (consider this optional -- thecalva/config.edn
file with thecustomREPLCommandSnippets
is the interesting part).
You can either clone this repo into a temporary directory and then copy either or both of .json
files into your VS Code user configuration directory (overwriting the default keybindings.json
and settings.json
files), or you can manually update your files with whatever bits of my files you like.
Copy (or merge) the calva/config.edn
file's customREPLCommandSnippets
into your
file for VS Code to find them (requires Calva 2.0.307 or later!).
These customREPLCommandSnippets
provide a number of tap>
evaluations and some Portal UI commands.
Copy (or merge) the joyride/scripts/*
and joyride/src/*
files into your
Copy (or merge) the clojure-lsp/config.edn
file into your
Requires Portal 0.40.0 or later
In addition, there are some Joyride scripts (in joyride/scripts
) that you can copy into either your user or workspace Joyride scripts
folder as desired. See the Joyride section below for details.
On a Mac, the VS Code user configuration directory is as shown below:
$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User
On Windows, the VS Code user configuration directory is likely to be:
> cd C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Code\User
Requires Portal 0.40.0 or later
Will work both with and without the portal.nrepl/wrap-portal
The REPL snippet that launches Portal inside VS Code will launch two Portal windows:
- one called
** logging **
which tracks all Portal middleware evaluations and, if you use my:dev/repl
alias from mydot-clojure
output - one named for the directory it is opened in which tracks all plain
When starting an instance of Portal, you must ensure that you have the following:
Portal itself must be included as a dependency. This can be done in your user configuration file (deps.edn
or ~/.lein/profiles.clj
for example) or in your project's configuration. If you're using Leiningen, it'll look like this:
:dependencies [[djblue/portal "RELEASE"]]
For deps.edn
, it will be djblue/portal {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}
in :extra-deps
under an alias. If you're using my user deps.edn
file from my dot-clojure
repo, you can just add the :portal
alias to your CLI command to get the latest Portal included.
Note: On Windows/WSL2, you may need
added to the[wsl2]
section of your.wslconfig
file for the VS Code / Portal server connection to work correctly.
Before you launch Portal, you must first start a REPL and connect to it. Once that is up and connected in Calva, you can use the following custom REPL command:
ctrl+alt+space p
-- launch Portal inside VS Code; this uses a customsubmit
listener fortap>
that tracks middleware output + logging and regulartap>
calls in separate atoms, one behind each of the two windows opened
The following additional custom REPL commands are available for Portal, and they all operate on the regular result window (not the middleware output/logging window):
ctrl+alt+space k
-- clear the Portal historyctrl+alt+space 0
-- cycle the latest value in the Portal history through each of the viewers in turnctrl+alt+space 1
-- expand/collapse the first level of the most recenttap>
'd value in Portal;2
, and5
affect the second thru fifth level respectively
You can also access values stored in portal by dereferencing the portal
object in the dev
namespace like so: @dev/portal
. This object is created automatically by the launch command snippet.
Similarly, (first @dev/my-taps)
is always the most recent value tap>
'd and the following
custom REPL command lets you manipulate it:
ctrl+alt+space q
-- pops open a REPL input prompt into which you can type arbitrary code which will be evaluated andtap>
If that code includes *v
, it will be automatically replaced with (first @dev/my-taps)
so you can use the following workflow:
any value into Portal via any methodctrl+alt+space q
and type some expression involving*v
- press enter to have that evaluated and
'd - rinse and repeat!
See the custom REPL commands below for convenient tap>
In addition to the custom REPL commands snippets mentioned above for Portal,
this settings.json
file includes the following:
ctrl+alt+space a
-- add dependencies to a running REPL by synchronizing with yourdeps.edn
file; this pops open a REPL input prompt into which you can type one or more aliases, and then it usesclojure.repl.deps/sync-deps
(Clojure 1.12.0 Alpha 2+) to load any new dependencies that have been added to yourdeps.edn
.ctrl+alt+space c
-- run the current test (usectrl+alt+space o
to see output/report) and display a summary of results.ctrl+alt+space d
-- when a binding inlet
is highlighted (both the symbol and the expression to which it is bound), this creates adef
so the symbol becomes available at the top level: useful for debugging parts of a function insidelet
.ctrl+alt+space e
the last exception thrown (*e
)ctrl+alt+space i
-- when a symbol is highlighted, create adef
from it bound to an input value provided by a REPL prompt in Calva: useful for debugging parts of a function (by defining argument values or other symbols).ctrl+alt+space l
-- "lift" the result out of the most recent** logging **
window entry into the regulartap>
window for easier manipulation.ctrl+alt+space n
a hash map of public Vars from the current namespace.ctrl+alt+space o
-- wherel
lifts the result from** logging **
, this lifts the standard output (and any test reports): useful when you want to see output produced by an evaluation or test results (fromctrl+alt+space c
)ctrl+alt+space r
on the current namespace to treat anycomment
forms annotated as:rct/test
as actual tests; see for more details.ctrl+alt+space t
-- run all the tests in the current namespace (usectrl+alt+space o
to see output/report) and display a summary of results.ctrl+alt+space x
-- run all the tests in the "associated" namespace (usectrl+alt+space o
to see output/report) and display a summary of results; if the current namespace
, this will look
.ctrl+alt+space z
-- zap (remove) the current namespace's definitions: occasionally useful for cleaning up REPL state; this unaliases/unmaps all the symbols in the namespace without destroying the namespace itself, leaving it "empty" so you can load the file from disk again so it is fully-sync'd (ctrl+alt+c enter
Several of these command snippets require Clojure 1.10 or later (because they assume requiring-resolve
and tap>
) and will fail on earlier versions. Portal supports Clojure 1.10's datafy
and nav
The following scripts perform tasks that my old Clover configuration used to provide. You'll need Joyride installed in VS Code and you'll need at least v2.0.277 of Calva since these scripts depend on the recently-added Calva Extension API.
-- with a Clojure symbol selected, this will open VS Code's Simple Browser, directly inside VS Code, at the corresponding ClojureDocs page.javadoc.cljs
-- with a Java class name selected, or a Clojure expression selected, this will open VS Code's Simple Browser, directly inside VS Code, at the corresponding (Oracle) JavaDoc page for the class that the selection resolves to. If the underlyingjavadoc-url
function doesn't recognize the class, it produces a Google "I feel lucky" URL that will be opened in an external browser instead (since Simple Browser cannot open Google's site).ns.cljs
-- without moving the cursor, evaluate the current file'sns
-- wrap the current form with(doto
or, in a->
pipeline, insert(doto tap>)
Note: these scripts assume you have a Clojure nREPL connected in Calva to perform symbol/class resolution!
My keybindings.json
file has key bindings for these that are intended to match (but override) what would be custom REPL command snippet key bindings, to make these Joyride scripts feel more like snippets:
ctrl+alt+space j
-- runsjavadoc.cljs
as a User-level Joyride script.ctrl+alt+space /
-- runsclojuredocs.cljs
as a User-level Joyride script (in my Clover setup, this used to bectrl+; shift+/
, i,e.,?
, butshift+/
would be a bit unwieldy as actrl+alt+space
In addition, ctrl+alt+n ctrl+alt+s
will run ns.cljs
and ctrl+alt+d ctrl+alt+t
will run tap.cljs
Other key bindings that you may or may not find useful:
ctrl+alt+c ctrl+alt+k
-- clear Calva REPL history. -
ctrl+alt+c z
-- runclojure-lsp
command on the current namespace. -
ctrl+alt+e ctrl+alt+j
-- join window groups in VS Code (I often use this after starting the REPL or splitting a window). -
ctrl+alt+e ctrl+alt+right
-- move the current window to the next group to the right in VS Code (I often use this after starting the REPL or splitting a window). -
ctrl+alt+e ctrl+alt+w
-- close other editors (useful for decluttering your workspace and focusing on the current file). -
ctrl+alt+k ctrl+alt+t
-- toggle between Clojure implementation and test files. -
ctrl+alt+k down
-- move editor to group below. -
ctrl+alt+k up
-- move editor to group above. -
ctrl+alt+l ctrl+alt+l
-- convert the selection/word at the cursor to lowercase. -
ctrl+alt+u ctrl+alt+u
-- convert the selection/word at the cursor to uppercase. -
-- clear all notifications. -
ctrl+t ctrl+f
-- switch focus to the terminal window in VS Code. -
ctrl+t ctrl+t
-- open a terminal window in VS Code. -
for Calva to avoidctrl+home
(which should becursorTop
!). -
-- join lines (this is the default on macOS but not Windows).
If you use Atlassian/Jira/BitBucket:
ctrl+alt+a ctrl+alt+b
-- switch to BitBucket PRs.ctrl+alt+a ctrl+alt+j
-- switch to Jira issues.