CRDS is a package used for working with astronomical reference files for the HST and JWST telescopes. CRDS is useful for performing various operations on reference files or reference file assignment rules. CRDS is used to assign, check, and compare reference files and rules, and also to predict those datasets which should potentially be reprocessed due to changes in reference files or assignment rules. CRDS has versioned rules which define the assignment of references for each type and instrument configuration. CRDS has web sites corresponding to each project ( or which record information about reference files and provide related services.
- CRDS development is occuring at:
- Project's github page.
- CRDS is also available for installation as part of AstroConda Contrib:
- AstroConda Contrib.
For developers:
% git clone CRDS
% cd CRDS
% ./install
or if you have AstroConda Contrib set up:
% conda install crds
or as a last resort (tends to be dated):
% pip install crds
More documentation about CRDS is available here: